Page 46 of Broken Monster

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he’d pulled up on his computer. I could feel my own nervousness start to build.

“Just tell her Jasper.” Alicen and Milo were no longer paying attention to the Kdrama playing on the TV. They’d both set down their food and were crowding towards us both, determined to lend us both whatever support we both might need.

He shifted the computer around to face me on the coffee table without saying a word. I could feel myself hesitating before leaning over to see the screen better. My eyes flew over the words, and I could feel the breath stop in my lungs.

I was suffocating. I blinked my eyes rapidly, trying to focus on the words that suddenly didn’t make any sense to me.

I couldn’t be seeing what I was.

He’d found my parent’s last will and testament.

“I never thought about looking for this before. I don’t know why it never crossed my mind. Your parents were reliable people, so it would make sense that they would have a will just in case anything ever happened to you. Especially since they were working with Gio and had gotten mixed up with the mob.”

Jasper’s voice sounded like it was far away. He was shouting down a tunnel, or I was under water, and I couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. I was too focused on reading what my parents had put in their will.

Most of it was the usual things one would find in a will. Distribution of assets mostly. I

would get back to that later, but I had a feeling that wasn’t what had Jasper about to hyperventilate next to me.

Scrolling through the document, I found what he was freaking out over. My heart pounded against my chest. A cold sweat swept over my body as I read and then reread the words over again multiple times.

If anything were to ever happen to them, I was to be left in the care of Gio Valentino. It said so right there in black and white. The mafia kingpin himself was to become my legal guardian. I couldn’t understand what the fuck was going on. The more we dug up information, the more we found out, the less and less I could figure out what happened. I might not be able to remember much about my parents, but I liked to think they were smart people. Was Gio so good

at acting like a good friend that he had them completely fooled? Did they never once suspect that he would turn on them with just the slightest provocation?

“This can’t be right.” I didn’t know what else to say. I didn’t even know what to think about what I was reading.

It was another thing that was standing in the way of me and my goals. Another thing that had been thrown at me that would make me hesitate in what I was planning for Gio and his syndicate. Something else for me to try and figure out the meaning of. Alicen leaned over my shoulder to read what was in the document. Her breath hitched once, twice, three times as she scanned the words. Her hand moved to clasp mine. Her thin fingers squeezing my hand so tightly her knuckles turned white. She was at just as much of a loss as I was.

“We need to figure out a way to get in touch with your uncle. With the lawyer dead, there are only two people who can answer your questions. Him and Gio. At this point, I don’t know who you should believe. Tony has turned out to be just as much of a liar as everyone else

tangled up in this whole mess.”

Jasper leaned back on the couch and pulled me into his arms. I couldn’t speak. Words just won’t come. Milo moved onto the couch beside Alicen, and they both laid over to cuddle my other side. No one expected anything from me right now. I needed time to process yet another

bombshell that had blown up my life.

It seemed that it was one explosion after another that was fucking everything up. I was trapped in a minefield, and I was trying my best not to get my ass blown up. Whatever I was doing wasn’t working. I was going to find myself blown to itty bitty pieces here soon, and it looked as if I didn’t have a choice in the matter.

Sending a quick message off to my uncle, I didn’t hold out much hope I would hear from him any time soon. I would have Gio in my control in a few short days. I would ask him about everything. Jasper was right, he would most likely lie right to my face about the whole situation, but I had faith that I would be able to decipher fact from fiction.

At least I hope I can.

It was far past time to get this whole fucking thing done and over with. I was done trying to craft intricate plans of subterfuge. No more sneaking around. Facing Gio head on was the quickest and most efficient way to handle this. He already knew someone was coming after

him. In the end it didn’t matter how it all ended for me, if I took him out.

Tags: Brittney Kol Romance