Page 41 of Broken Monster

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If she wanted Sam Holland at her mercy, then that was what she was going to get. I would lay him out on my table for her. She could do as much or as little as she wanted. Jasper and I would stand on the sidelines until she was ready to hand over the work to us. Sam wouldn’t be leaving that warehouse alive or in one piece for that matter.

“So, you see. I could kill someone. It’s not even just Sam I would kill. You didn’t want to be my friend. I kind of forced myself on you, but I don’t regret doing that. Even after finding out about your past and the things you’ve done over the years. I don’t regret having you in my life. You are one of the most important people in my world. This might be a little too touchy feely for your cold assassin heart to hear, but I love you. You’re my person. I’d kill anyone for you.”

She was right in thinking I didn’t do well with sweet words and love confessions. It wasn’t something I was used to. Jasper had confessed his love and undying devotion to me a time or two over the years, but I’d been just as uncomfortable then as I am now.

With that being said, I still appreciated her feelings. I might not be the best person at expressing my emotions, but I felt them too. Alicen was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. She’s a part of my soul. Just the same as Jasper and Milo. I knew I could get through life without them all standing beside me. However, it would be simply surviving. I wouldn’t be living my life if they weren’t with me.

“When you’re ready, I will bring Sam to you. We’ll make him suffer together. I won’t leave you alone in this, and I won’t take your justice from you.” Shifting over the white sheets, I moved closer to her and pulled her slim body into the circle of my arms. Her head was pressed tightly against my chest, and I could feel the shake of her body as she silently cried.

I don’t know what made her decide to share her scars with me, and I wasn’t going to ask. I would simply lay in this bed and hold her while she cried, and then I would help her fix her makeup to hide the fact it ever happened.

I couldn’t imagine the way it felt to expel that kind of memory out of her and give it to me. I know just because she said it out loud, just because she told me about what happened to her, didn’t make the memory any better. I could hope that it left her feeling a little lighter, a little less pressure, and gave her a little hope that Sam would be taken care of now that she had me on her side.

“I’m always down for a little girl on girl action, but I’m pleasantly surprised that you two are into that kind of thing,” the sound of Jasper’s voice came from the doorway.

Lifting my head up from where it had been resting against Alicen’s, I found him and Milo both standing there inching their way into the room.

Milo wasn’t one to be left out. Squeezing around Jasper’s large form that was still blocking most of the entrance to the room, he quickly crossed to the room and jumped on the bed. The blankets rustled as he snuggled down on the other side of Alicen. He could clearly see that she was having a moment. I wasn’t sure if he knew what happened to her. I wasn’t hurt or upset at the thought of being the last to know. After all, Jasper only knew because he’d done some digging on her when she’d first come into our lives. If she hadn’t told Milo yet, that meant I was the only person she’d chosen to tell.

“You’re looking to get your ass beat today,” I half growled at him. He was trying to lighten the mood a little, because I was sure he knew what we were talking about.

“We haven’t sparred in a while. I’m thinking I might be able to take you down now. You’ve been slacking on your training sessions for months. Lack of practice can make you a little rusty.” He lay back against the headboard with a cup of coffee that was smelling especially tempting. It was more than likely so tempting because it was his, but I knew he tended to put heaps of sugar and way too much creamer in his coffee, so I opted to let him keep it.

“You’re on. Let’s see how well you hold up against me. If I win, you're cooking dinner tonight. I’m feeling steak and seafood.” It had been a minute since we’d cooked dinner instead of just grabbing some kind of take out. It would be a nice change of pace. Things were about to get hectic, so we should take advantage of it while we could.

“I’m down. Maybe we could give these two a few pointers as well. They need to know how to protect themselves at least on the most basic level. A little self-defense knowledge never hurt a situation.”

He was right. With the way things were headed, there was no telling who would be coming after us, and what they would do. Things were becoming too unpredictable and bothered the fuck out of me.

“I might surprise you in what I know. I’ve taken a few classes over the years. Trained assassin moves might be out of my realm of knowledge, but I can knee someone in the nuts and box their ears with the best of them.” Alicen wiggled out of my arms so that she could look at Jasper over my shoulder. Determination blazed in her eyes swirling with defiance.

She might’ve been beaten down at one point in time, but she’d come back fighting. She refused to just lay down and take it. That’s all that mattered. If she could keep a hold of that mentality, then she would be able to face down anything and survive.

“Well, alright than Rocky. Let’s go see what you got.” Jasper pulled Alicen out of the bed and the room. Scooting over, I laid my head on Milo’s chest. The silence between us was light and airy. Both of us were aware of how Jasper was trying to distract us from everything. I wasn’t going to do anything to bring us back into reality. At least not today.

Tags: Brittney Kol Romance