Page 36 of Broken Monster

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My apartment was jam packed full of people.

There was also way too much tension filling the air. It was making my head hurt. My head was already hurting since a headache started to build while I was at the hospital. I really hated hospitals. They smell like antiseptic and death. It wasn’t a place that I ever went to. Every time Milo got within five feet of me, I couldn’t help but growl at him.

He brushed it off. Not even phased by my grumpy attitude. Getting me checked out by a legitimate doctor was more important to him than making me happy. Jasper and Alicen were on his side, so I didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter either way. Hell, the Valentino boys even agreed with him.

That put me lying in an uncomfortable hospital bed with seven people crammed into the room making it almost impossible for the doctors and nurses to move about. On more than one occasion while there they’d asked for some people to leave the room so they could do their jobs, and they’d been told in so many words that wasn’t going to happen. Jasper was on the lookout for an assassin. Milo and Alicen were more worried about keeping Nico, Dante, Cole, and Enzo away from me. As if they could protect me from four mafia princes.

I wasn’t one hundred percent sure why the boys were there. They kept a watch on every move the doctor or nurse made towards me. I could see the shake in the nurse's hand when she was doing my IV. I almost felt bad for the lady. Dante was scary on a good day. He apparently didn’t appreciate the fact that I was in the hospital, almost blown to teeny tiny bits and pieces, and now some woman was sticking me with a needle.

I didn’t like any of those facts either, but I couldn’t change the past. What was done was done. Now was the time to try and figure out who was behind it.

Of course, I was going to need a little more brain power for that than I had at the present moment. All I could focus on was the hospital smell that was completely embedded in my clothes, the pulsing headache that felt as if it was cracking my skull in half, and the way everyone kept eyeballing each other. I swear Jasper truly believed Enzo was going to pull out a prison shank and stab me when no one was looking.

“Look, I appreciate everyone for going to the hospital with me and for getting me home, but you can all go home. It’s late, I’m tired, I have a headache the size of Russia, and I just want to take a nap.” I stood by my bedroom door on wobbly feet fighting the need to throw up.

“We’re not going anywhere. Knowing your stubborn ass, you’ll try to take a shower by yourself, trip, fall and hit your head, and knock yourself out. You’ll drown in the shower water, and none of us would be the wiser until in the morning. The doctor also said you have a mild concussion, and you shouldn’t be left alone. Your little friend over there also needs to be watched throughout the night to make sure he wakes up. We’re staying here with you.” Nico kicked his feet up onto my coffee table and crossed his arms over his chest.

He wasn’t leaving and no one was going to make him. I wasn’t sure why he was so fucking worried about me all of a sudden, but I was pretty sure it had something to do with needing the information on the informant.

I don’t know how many times I had to tell him that I didn’t have anything to give him. I didn’t know who the guy was. He was shit out of luck if he thought my incoherent mind was going to give up something I didn’t have.

“Jasper can stay with me. I don’t need everyone here.” I just wanted to feel miserable all by myself. I didn’t want anyone to witness me feeling like shit. It made me weak, and I didn’t want them to see me that way. My body was stiff, it was hard to walk, and my head was pounding like a bass drum.

They needed to get the fuck out of here.

“I’m not leaving you here with him. Besides, you're going to need help getting out of your clothes and into the shower.”

“That won’t be a problem. I’ve seen her naked more times than I can count.” Jasper shot a sarcastic grin over to Cole as he leaned back against the wall on the other side of the living room. It wasn’t a lie. Jasper has seen me naked quite a bit throughout our friendship. Most of the time it was me taking off clothes that were covered in blood that he needed to dispose of.

From the look of death Cole was sending my best friend, I felt the need to point that fact out, but I kept my mouth closed. Jasper was a big boy and could handle himself. If he wanted to poke the bear, then he would need to protect himself. I felt like I’d gone thirty rounds with Beast and got my ass handed to me. I wouldn’t be helping anyone out tonight.

“I can get myself in and out of the shower. I don’t need help.” I probably did, but I wasn’t going to admit it.

“I’ll make you a cup of coffee, and I saw a couple packs of instant noodles in the cabinet. You need to eat something before you take the pain killer the doctor prescribed you.” Alicen went into the kitchen before I could kiss her like the wonderful wife she was. I swear sometimes I wonder if I could swing that way. If so, I’d make that girl mine.

I couldn’t get the door to my bedroom closed before Cole was pushing through and closing behind himself. My room was spacious, but with him there it seemed a lot smaller. I stood at the foot of my bed watching him move towards me. His eyes glaring at all the bruising he could see.

“I told you I didn’t need any help.”

“Like I was going to listen to that bullshit. You can hardly stand up as it is. Get into the bathroom.” His hands were gentle where they grabbed onto me, steering me out of the bedroom with my clothes and in the direction he wanted me to go in. I wouldn’t be getting out of him helping.

I sat down on the toilet seat as he crouched in front of me. Without saying a word, he began to remove my ankle boots and socks. His touch was quick and clinical, but my body remembered how those hands felt on my skin and I couldn’t stop the heat that started in the pit of my stomach and traveled down to center in my hips.

I was in no condition to do anything but take the recommended shower. I wasn’t even confident I would be able to wash my hair alone, but I was more than ready to try and let him do wonderfully naughty things to me.

Clasping my hands, he pulled me to my feet. Sure fingers pulled at the hem of my shirt, dragging it up my body and over my head with more gentleness than I thought he was capable of. Last night he’d fucked me so hard I was surprised we hadn’t broken a few bones. I’d loved every moment of it, but it was vastly different then the soft tugs he was doing to my skintight jeans at the moment.

Standing in front of him in my matching blood red bra and thong, I could see the desire fill his blue eyes. It was the same desire that was rushing through my body and wetting my pussy. His tongue swept out and wet his lip. Pushing up on my toes, I chased that tongue back into his mouth with my own.

I couldn’t pass up this moment. Kissing him wasn’t something I’d planned on doing. Fuck, I hadn’t planned on another night with him at all. Any kind of relationship with him would fuck up every plan I had, and I’d already screwed all my shit up once. I didn’t have time to do it again.

I ate at his mouth, taking control of the kiss. Pressing my body flush against him. My nipples were tight and hard rubbing against the cups of my bra as I moved against him. His hands moved to palm the globes of my ass and pulled my cunt tighter against the rising bulge of his dick.

Rocking my hips back and forth, I rubbed my needy clit against him. Desperate for a release I hadn’t realized I’d wanted, my mind forgot about everything other than the pleasure I knew he could give me.

His hand left my rear and slid down the front of my panties. My wetness coated the tips of his fingers as he circled them around where I needed his attention. A groan of pure pleasure escaped my dry lips.

Tags: Brittney Kol Romance