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“Them?” The pounding in my skull gave me a headache, and when Journey started to speak again, I had to dig my nails into the cement block wall to keep myself steady.

“There were a few different male nurses that I had to win over.”

I will kill them all.

My face stayed steady as Journey flung her legs back over the side of bed, still hiding her emotions well. Her footsteps were slow and light as she crept over to me, the moon staying in its rightful place, causing her to blend in with the darkness that surrounded us. My dick jumped, ready to show her that she was mine and not theirs, like the possessive fuck that it was. Her breaths were shaky as she stood right in front of me, and even if I wanted to stop myself from gripping her hips and pulling her in close, I wouldn’t have.

“Show me.”

Journey peeked up at me, her gray eyes smoldering below her long lashes.

“Show me how you won them over. Show me how they stole you, and then I want you to watch me steal you right the fuck back.”

I heard her swallow first, and then I watched her hot little tongue dart out to lick her lips. My possessiveness was not supposed to make an appearance tonight, but I was becoming aware that Journey may have liked my possessiveness. It seemed my shy Journey relished in the fact that I wanted her and that I wanted to break anyone else’s hands who touched her.

Angry beats stood between us, my heart thumping like the beat of a drum. Journey’s gaze lowered, her teeth sinking into her full lip that I zeroed in on like some psychotic machine. I want to sink my teeth into that lip, too.

“It all started with small talk,” she started, slinking in closer to me. “It bothered me at first because…”

“Because why?” I interrupted, gripping her hips tighter. My fingers begged to dip underneath her shirt to feel her soft skin.

“Because their small talk didn’t interest me. It wasn’t you.” She gasped when I pulled her in closer, her chest hovering right in front of me for the taking. Part of me wanted to pop up from the windowsill and throw her onto the bed, but I didn’t. I stayed right where I was. “I hated that you always slipped in while I was putting on my front. I felt guilty and then angry that I felt that way.”

“It’s okay that you hated me. You thought I had set you up that night—or, at the very least, that I didn’t mean all those things I said to you.”

Like that I loved you. I still do.

“Yeah,” she breathed out, her sweet breath wafting over the hair that was hanging in my eyes.

“Tell me what happened after the small talk.”

Things were suddenly taking a turn. I was in over my fucking head. My neck was beginning to grow warm. I felt the fire getting higher and higher, spreading against both of our skin. My fingers were on her belly now, and I ground my teeth to stop myself from pulling her onto my lap.

“I think you know.”

“Show me,” I demanded, peering up at her through the curtain of her hair.

Journey took a step back, and she stole my breath away. My hands fell swiftly from her hips, and I watched in awe as she walked back over to the bed. Her black combat boots were thrown to the floor, and she lay flat on the blue blanket with her hands down by her sides.

I sat up a little taller, gripping the windowsill so hard my fingers were possibly bleeding. The sliver of light from the moon hit her on the chest, and it was rising just as fast as mine. When her hand moved to the brim of her jeans, I stopped breathing. I meant to keep my expression steady, but I felt the narrowing of my eyes.

“The first time Ash walked in here and saw me, he paused right there inside the doorway.”

Ash? Sounds like he’s about to fucking become ash.

I followed Journey’s movement as the button of her jeans popped through the hole, snagging my ears as every single sense was fixated on her. Fuck. I wanted her to scoot up so the sliver of moonlight was on her hand instead of the rising of her breaths. I wanted to watch, even as angry as it made me that someone else saw this, too.

“I stopped what I was doing just long enough to see his mouth open. We stared at each other, and although my stomach shrank with unease, I kept going.”

My gaze moved from her profile, seeing that her eyes were closed, to her hand, which was dipping underneath her panties. I stared long and hard, knowing that if I didn’t get us out of this fucked-up place in the next few minutes, I was going to be touching her, too. Does she want that?

“And?” I said, startling her. Journey’s eyes flew open, but she kept her stare locked on the ceiling. Look at me.

“And he shut the door.”

I released a growl. “With him inside the room or out?”


Tags: S.J. Sylvis Romance