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Journey put on a good front,slipping her mask on right in front of me, as if I didn’t fucking see right through it.

I heard the shifting of her feet as she stepped one foot in front of the other as I ran my gaze up her smooth legs. “Nice fucking try,” I spat, blocking the door from her sharp gaze.

“Excuse me?” she said with an attitude I craved in every single way. There she is. My wild girl. “Get out of my way, Cade.”

I tsked, waving my finger in front of her. The same finger that got her off just two days prior. “You’re forgetting that I know you very well, Journey. I’m not moving an inch until you tell me what that was about. What are you up to?”

Her teeth clamped together, and the echo of it pounded right through my skull. Her dainty chin pulled up high, doing nothing but showing off more of her flushed chest. Silence. Nice.

“So,” I started, stalking toward her like I was ready to attack. “Did you do that to piss me off? Or was there a reason for your mindless behavior?” Granted, she probably didn’t realize how dangerous Bain truly was, but that didn’t matter at the moment.

Her lip twitched, and fuck me if I didn’t want to smile, too. “There was a reason, but I have no issue killing two birds with one stone.”

I laughed. I actually dropped my chin, a single foot away from her, backed against the same wall that I watched Bain push her into, and let out a low chuckle that I felt vibrate throughout my limbs. “And you pretend like I mean nothing to you.” My head snapped up as soon as the words left me, and she jumped. Her red lips were glistening from her tongue dipping out unknowingly to wet them, and my pupils dilated so quickly it hurt to look.

“You don’t.”

I hummed, turning around swiftly, feeling the slippery dust on the concrete floor under my shoes.I could feelher disappointment, as if she thought I was actually going to walk out of this room and leave her be. The question was still trying to dig out of my chest and come from my mouth. Why Bain? Why did she seek him out? What did they discuss? And why was he so adamant that he hadn’t touched her? He was disgusted when I asked. His body tensed, and his ugly face that most girls loved scrunched up. What the fuck was that?

My back was ramrod straight as I shook the unease away, feeling myself click into the mischievous Rebel everyone knew me as. I peered over my shoulder, locking onto Journey’s flushed cheeks and blank face. Her features may have been easy and relaxed, but the smallest seed of desperation glinted like a piece of flint in her gray eyes. I’m not going anywhere, baby.

“You say you don’t want me?” I asked, lowering my voice and dropping my eyes to her ribs screaming for air. My hand was steady as I pushed it forward, running my finger down the lone string that was tied to the only light in this dusty little room that I had found my first taste of love in. “How about now?” Darkness spread like the plague as I clicked the light off. The temperature of the room was as hot as the boiler room the other day.

I knew it was wrong—the little game we were about to play like old times.

There was so much shit between us that was covered beneath a million little pieces of debris. Things needed to be said. The truth needed to be told.

Yet, here I was, turning around and staking claim on a girl who I didn’t deserve.

“What’ll it be, Journey? Do you want Bain? Or do you want me?”

“That depends,” she whispered. “What version of you am I getting? The boy who told me he loved me? Or the one who stood me up in the courtyard?”

The game paused for a second as I pulled the flaming fucking arrow out of my chest. Tell her. Tell her everything. See, this was the problem with a guy like me, who’d had no real fucking guidance in his life. My morals were skewed. When I should have been learning how to fish in the pond behind my house with my father, I was learning how to hide a body. Telling the truth was never a component of my childhood. Sometimes, the truth made things worse, and lies made things better. I wasn’t sure which end of the scale I was supposed to be on. I, Cade Walker, didn’t know right from wrong. Thanks, Tommy Walker. Your fatherly contributions to my life did nothing but fuck me up.

Coming back to Journey's question, I subtly skated over the heavy shit. “Does it matter?” My hands landed on her waist, and my stomach dipped with need. There was a low throb starting in my groin, and I could already taste her sweetness on my tongue.

Ravage. I wanted to ravage her until she forgave me.

And I hadn’t even said sorry.

“Tell me again that you don’t want me, Journey. That you never thought of me. That you want someone other than me to do this.” I couldn’t stop. My hand trailed up her rising chest, pausing at her thundering heartbeat, right over that perky mound that I wanted to smother my face into. I wanted to inhale her scent and never smell anything else again. Emotion crowded in for a second, blending in with the darkness that surrounded us. I miss her so much it hurts to breathe. I winced, knowing she couldn’t see me, as I finally reached her neck, remembering how she loved it when I touched her there.

“Three,” I whispered, nudging my jean-clad knee in between her legs, right below the little mini-skirt that she probably wore just to torture me. “Two,” I said, sinking my teeth into her earlobe after running my tongue around her cute little diamond studs. “Last chance.” I gripped her hip hard with one hand and began moving her over my knee, wishing like hell it was my dick.

The only sound I heard from her was heavy breathing, and I took that as a green flag. “Mine,” I said right over her lips before moving the hand around her neck up to her chin and sealing our mouths together.

Relief. I felt relief that she didn’t fight me, and shock sunk my feet right into the floor as things twisted on the inside that were much more powerful than just a physical need. Journey and I were in the gray matter. She was the light, and I was dark. I sucked, and she kissed. I pulled, and she pushed. Her hands went into my hair, and her hips ground over me like I was fucking her with my knee. “Don’t you get it…” I said quickly, pulling back to grip her ass. Her legs went around my hips, and my hard-as-a-fucking-rock dick pounded into her slick panties, moving roughly against her. “I’m still just as infatuated with you. Nothing has changed.”

Fuck, yes.

But wait. No. Wait.

It was hard to let her go. My fingers dug in like they were in the sand on some perfect, sunny, getaway beach. She wiggled once, and then twice, and the second she turned her head and unsealed our mouths, I felt my heart drop to the floor. Fuck.

Her feet slammed down, stomping all over my dirty little intentions. “That’s where you’re wrong, Cade. Everything has changed. Especially me.”

Tags: S.J. Sylvis Romance