Page 40 of Bad Boys Never Fall

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My phone vibrateda few times in the early morning hours before the sun had even risen. Cade’s bed was empty, his uniform still hanging over the back of his computer chair, so I knew we hadn’t overslept.

Gemma’s right leg was hooked over mine as her head rested on my chest. The golden-brown strands of her hair covered half her face as I stared down at her partially hidden cheek. Lungfuls of air escaped me as I slowly turned away, grabbing my phone to see who had texted.

Uncle Tate: Meeting with SMC is in twenty minutes. Tell me you’re awake and you’re coming. Let’s not give them a reason to not revoke your probation.

Me: I’m up.

Uncle Tate: Good. Tell Gemma that I wrote her a note to take classes off today. Is she feeling better? Did she have any more fainting spells?

Me: She’s okay. She’s asleep right now. I’ll explain later.

I slowly slidout of bed and couldn't even fathom looking down at her angelic state all tangled up in my covers, but I did anyway. I stared at her the entire time I got dressed. I watched as she mumbled in her sleep, pulling the blankets up to her chin and snuggling into my pillow. I traced the red rings around her wrists and almost bent down to kiss the raised skin, but I kissed her forehead instead.

It was a sweet action. Something I’d never expected of myself, let alone falling in love with someone. But here we were. I was twisted and hooked and willing to change my entire future for her. I was nearly ready to give in to losing a small piece of my humanity.

All for her.

And it was worth it.

“Isaiah?” Gemma’s sleepy voice had me pausing at the door with my back to her.

I quietly turned around and began knotting my tie so that the SMC wouldn’t roll their eyes when I sat down for the meeting—as if I cared at this point. “Yeah, it’s just me. I’m going to my meeting with the SMC.”

Her eyes fluttered open, and she pulled down the covers just a little, showing off the tops of her breasts. I tore my eyes away, wanting to savor her body once again. “Oh. I better get up and get ready for classes. I hope Sloane isn’t worried about me. I meant to have you text her before we…slept.”

I hid a smile at the pink on her cheeks. “Cade let her know that you were staying with me, and my uncle wrote a note for you to skip classes today.” I walked over the short distance to her and sat on the edge of my bed, knowing that I was basically eating up borrowed time.

“Oh.” Gemma’s cheeks burned a bright red as she looked away.

“Stay here for the rest of the day. There's food and water in the mini-fridge. I’ll come back before we leave for the game.”

Or maybe I’ll just come during lunch. A grin started to creep onto my face, but Gemma’s question wiped it right off.

“Does he know?”

My head slanted. “Does he know what?”

She gulped, fiddling with the blanket with her dainty fingers. “Does Headmaster Ellison know I’m...leaving?”

“No.” I clenched my jaw tightly. I’d fill him in after it was all said and done. He would interfere, and I couldn’t have that.

I watched the relief settle onto her face. I smiled at her and ran my thumb down the side of her cheek. She peered up at me shyly, and I couldn’t help but bend down to kiss her again.

Our lips connected, and a rushed noise left her as my hands caged her head on my bed. How will I survive without her?

I hastily pulled away and stood up. The small indent in between her eyebrows had me considering not even going to the meeting, but instead of staying, I gave her my best smirk and lowered my voice. “I changed my mind. I’ll be back during lunch.”

“Lunch?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said, walking backward to the door. “I’ll come back here to eat.”

She smiled innocently, which quickly fell when I said, “You. I’ll come back here to” Then, I winked and walked out the door and down the hall with denial stabbing me in the back.

We had only hours left—if that. And denial was the only way I was going to get through it.

Tags: S.J. Sylvis Romance