Page 86 of Craving Justice

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Once they were in the car, he kept his gaze ahead as he put on his sunglasses. “When we get back to your place, I want you to stay in the living room while I get things ready in your bedroom.”

“What things?” Her tone was bright with curiosity.

“Your scarves and belts.”

Silence. But from the corner of his eye, he caught the way she wiggled in her seat. Outstanding. Without further conversation he drove and watched her curiosity rise as she kept sneaking a look at him, her mouth opening to speak and then shutting before she glanced away.

They’d made it halfway back to her apartment before she cracked. “Seth, I’d like to know exactly what you have in mind.”

“I know.” He turned his head, seeing her gaze fix on his sunglasses. She wanted to see his eyes, but shielding his gaze put her off kilter, left her vulnerable. Ideal for what he had in store. “But some things are best experienced first-hand.”

Her eyes widened, but he didn’t miss the way her thighs pressed together.


* * *

Harper sat sideways on the sofa and dragged the feather toy over the taupe and lilac cushions. Mal pounced, snatching the blue feather up in his paws and chewed on it like a mighty lion. Her brave Mal. Harper gave a vague smile but looked back to the living room’s opening into the hallway.

No sign of Seth. What exactly was he doing? She’d been sitting here ten minutes. Okay, maybe seven, but definitely more than five. She closed her eyes and shook her head. Manic much?

Little kitty paws brushed her hand. She opened her eyes to see Mal gazing up with his head back. She snuggled him to her chest, loving his head boops against her chin. “Hey, cutie. You did so well in my bedroom while we were gone. Soon you’ll have the whole apartment to yourself when I’m not here.” They’d graduated from quarantining Mal in the master bathroom to her full bedroom suite. So far, so good.

“Harper, bring Mal here.”

A shiver travelled up her spine. Such a deep, masculine voice. She rose and faced him. Seth leaned against the doorway with an air of easy patience. But that gleam in his eyes. Oh, my. The nerves in her belly quivered.

Once she stood before him, Seth gently claimed Mal from her grasp. “Go into the bedroom. Strip and I’ll be in. I’ll settle Mal in the spare room for now.”

Harper nodded and willed her legs to carry her without tripping on the hall rug. She entered the bedroom and stopped short. Two scarves lay on the end of the bed. Plus one of her thin leather belts—the red one. Her heart hammered in her chest. From excitement. Not fear.

In quick movements, she undressed, putting her clothes in the bathroom hamper. That’s when she noticed Mal’s bed, litter box and toys were missing. She bit her lip. Either Seth wasn’t taking any chances with Mal by including taking his bed in the spare room, or he planned to keep her busy for some time.

The small office chair from her spare room was also near her bed.

“That’s a gorgeous view.” Seth said from behind her. “And it’s all mine.”

She spun around. There he was; tall and broad and eyeing her like he was the big wolf and she a bunny that had strayed into his path.

“Nervous?” he asked softly.


“No.” She inwardly cursed the strangled note in her voice.

Seth’s gaze sharpened. “I’m thinking that’s not entirely true.”

Bravado pushed her to bluff. “You’d be wrong.”

He made a tutting sound. “Fibs earn punishment.” He grabbed her hand in a firm grasp and led her back to the end of her bed.

Punishment? “Er, wait a minute,” she said, dragging her feet, but to no avail as Seth sat on the bed and wedged her between his thighs.

“Don’t fear me, Harper. Do you remember your safe word?”

Would she need that? “Red.”

“Good.” Seeing his answering smile was like liquid happiness running through her veins, chasing away any unease. “I promise you’ll enjoy yourself tonight.” His eyes shone with a wicked gleam. “At least, after a while.”

Tags: Fiona Archer Romance