Page 70 of Craving Justice

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He patted his back pocket to check he had his wallet and grabbed his phone. Everything else was still in his car in the building’s basement parking garage. The elevator’s bell dinged just as he entered the reception area. Harper was weighed down with an overnight bag in one hand and Mal’s carrier in another. The strap of her tote bag sat on her shoulder and dragged the wide neck of her orange top off kilter. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but one large strand of hair kept falling in front of her eyes despite her attempts to blow it out of the way.

She looked fucking adorable as ever, and her face lit up when she spotted him. “Hi, honey.”

He stalked forward, grabbing the large canvas carryall out of her hand and dumping it beside her. “Harper.” Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close and kissed her. Her scent—that feminine summer flower smell that he’d come to associate only with her, filled his senses. He burned to drink up all that was her and not let go. Only the sound of the phone ringing at the reception desk behind them kept him from deepening his greeting. When he lifted his head, he grinned at the blush on her cheeks. His woman was in no doubt he was happy to see her.

A soft cry from the carrier announced someone wasn’t so pleased. Seth reached for the plastic box and lifted it so Mal was at his eye level. The kitten pranced to the mesh gate and squished his little face close, so that a tiny nose pushed through a square. “G’day, Mal.” The kitten cried and wrapped a tiny paw around one of the plastic slats in the mesh. “I get you want out, mate, but give us a bit longer and we’ll have you running around at my place. Promise.”

“You three look so freaking cute together.” Megan’s voice came from behind.

Seth turned and smiled at the receptionist. Wearing her blue hair in a beehive and sporting horn-rimmed glasses, she was all stylish geek today.

“Harper, I think last time you were here you weren’t properly introduced to Megan.”

“No, she was determined to find your office.” Megan smiled at Harper and extended her hand. “Nice to finally meet you.”

Harper gave a sheepish grin and accepted Megan’s handshake. “I was a tad single-minded.” She laughed and waved to the kitten. “This is Mal.”


“Captain Malcolm Reynolds to be exact.”

“Epic,” Megan said with approval.

“Mal from Firefly.” He’d loved that show. Wanted to kick the networks arse every time he watched it on his streaming service. One shortened season? Idiots? He turned to Megan. “How can you not like this woman when she names her cat Mal?”

“Indeed.” The receptionist agreed just before she answered an incoming call.

“Ready to head out?” Seth picked up her canvas carry all in his free hand.

“You bet.” Harper adjusted the tote on her shoulder as the elevator bell sounded.

Right on cue.

He looked down at Harper. She met his gaze, hers shining with the same anticipation he felt as they prepared to leave the building.

The elevator doors opened, and Seth faced front.

And froze.

A face, so similar to his own, stared back at him.

Tall, much taller than he should be. A black leather jacket instead of a T-shirt and scruffy shorts, muscular instead of skinny. He looked at the face again—it was. Really was him.

Seth’s breath locked in his lungs until his chest burned. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t move.

“Hello, Seth.”

That voice, now older, rougher than he remembered, sounded strong, confident.

Harper squeezed his hand. “Seth?”

The man’s gaze moved to Harper and then back to Seth. The man remained silent. Waiting.

Waiting for Seth to speak.

But he couldn’t.

The elevator doors started to close. The man walked toward them, clearing the doors, and stood close. Too close.

Seth gripped the metal handles of Mal’s carrier harder, feeling the metal dig into his palms.

“Seth?” Harper tugged on his arm. “Who is this guy?”

The panic in Harper’s voice cut through his shock.

When he spoke, his voice was rough and deep. “He’s Lincoln Harris. My kid brother.”

Tags: Fiona Archer Romance