Page 51 of Craving Justice

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“Nice of you to say, luv, but that’s just basic manners. I promised we’d take things easy at the start, so I did. You felt the need to invite your friends, and I was a guest in your home. Acting otherwise would make me an arsehole.” He turned Harper so her back hit the mattress and raised himself on one elbow, resting his head on his hand. “I’m going to say this, and you’ll likely want to take back the nice things you just said before, but here’s the deal. Harper, I’m going to pursue you. That’s going to make you nervous. Too bad. I’d never hurt you, sweetness. Not ever. But I’m not going to let you run away just because recent events have made life complicated. You try to talk yourself out of exploring what we have, I’ll cut you off and convince you to keep the faith. I’m going to confuse you, challenge your perceptions until you understand that whatever chaos surrounds us is simply the bullshit that is life. Sooner or later one of us is going to win out.”

Harper stared up at him, remaining silent a half minute before saying, “And if I say no, that I want you to leave?”

“But you don’t.”

She raised her brows. “What makes you so sure?”

He fired his winning shot. “Because earlier tonight you allowed me to tie you to the bed.” She sucked in a breath. “Those are the actions of a woman who trusts me on some level.”

“Just because we tried something new in bed doesn’t mean I’m a pushover, Seth.”

He strengthened his voice. “Harper, I wouldn’t be here if that’s what I thought of you.” He grinned as he tapped her nose. “And just so you know, this is you getting nervous and striking back.”

“God, you’re infuriating.”

“That’s all part of the attraction.” He winked, lowered himself beside her, and dragged her close. “Glad we had this chat, luv.” Dropping a kiss on her mouth, he closed his eyes, aware of Harper lying there wide awake and likely thinking about various scenarios to either push him away or maybe hire a hitman to take him out of her life.

Her efforts would all be in vain.

Harper Fox was more tempting than her chocolate cake. And now he’d developed a taste for those charms and found it impossible to walk away.

Tags: Fiona Archer Romance