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I didn’t know what that bitch was up to, but she’d been lying low lately. It was probably on Dominic’s orders, but who knew with her.

I cast one last look at the chaos behind me, noting the teachers didn’t even try to break things up. The security guards just stood around looking dumbfounded.

I followed Aubrey out of the cafeteria and to the grounds.

“Bianca,” Stella called out as we rounded a corner to walk to Dominic’s dorm.

I paused and stared back at her as she strode forward. “What?”

“I’m coming with you.”

“Why?” I snorted at her, wondering who the hell she thought she was.

“I think we both know why,” she shot back. “Aubrey, you can go.”

“She’s not going anywhere but with me. You can go,” I snapped.

Stella rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m not leaving. Dominic would have my ass if I did.”

“Trust me, I won’t tell.”

“I would,” Aubrey muttered.

Stella sneered at her. Before the two could argue, I threw my hands up and started my trek back to Dominic’s. I’d deal with this shit later. Right now, I needed ice on my lip.

The girls fell in step beside me and remained silent the entire way to the room, something I was immensely grateful for. My heart was still thrashing from the look in Levin’s eyes and the way his fingers had brushed against my lip.

We entered Dominic’s—our—room. I went to the small fridge and found an ice pack in the freezer. Gently, I pressed it to my lip before flopping down in the overstuffed chair. Aubrey perched beside me on the arm of the chair.

“Hail really got you,” Aubrey murmured, her brows crinkled.

I grunted, hating that prick.

“Too bad he probably doesn’t realize he did because I’m sure he’d be gloating about it,” Stella said.

I gave her the finger, and she replied with an eye roll.

“I just mean he’d feel good about it. I didn’t say I felt good he did. Get a grip.”

“Why are you here?” I demanded. “Like, why did you come with us?”

Stella licked her lips and sat on the edge of the bed, smoothing the duvet as Aubrey shot me a confused look.

“I wanted to help.”

I scoffed. “What’s the real reason?”

“I just told you.” She sighed and went silent for a moment before speaking. “Listen, Bianca, I know we don’t get along, but I know some stuff, OK? Stuff I’m not OK with. We have a chance to be alone, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to actually talk to you.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “About what?”

“Are you having sex with Dominic?”

I swallowed but didn’t answer.

She nodded and reached into her bag and pulled out packets of pills. “Here. Take these.”

I took them and frowned. “Birth control?”

“Yeah. Listen, I know Dominic’s plan is to get you pregnant, and I know he threw out your pills. Not only would you be tied to him for, like, ever, but it’s also just not right. And if you’re fucking Vincent and Levin as I suspect you are or will be, then you’re going to need these.”

Aubrey shot me a surprised look. “You’re trying to protect her?”

“I think you should get to choose if you want a baby. Not have some asshole force it on you.”

“I already had sex with Dominic a couple of times without anything,” I admitted softly, the heat rising in my cheeks. “I was really wasted, and I-I—”

Stella wrinkled her nose as Aubrey gave my hand a squeeze.

“I don’t need the details. I’ve fucked them before, you know. I mean, not together, but I do remember how things work with them.”

Nausea rolled in my guts. I tried not to think about all the women they’d been with, and I definitely didn’t want to think about Stella being with any of my kings.

“My point is, take the pills. Don’t let Dominic know I gave them to you, or we’re both dead, OK? Take a pregnancy test. If it’s negative, you can start the pack right away. It might make you skip a period though.”

“It should start Monday,” I muttered.

“Good. So starting the pills now won’t alter your schedule too much,” Stella said.

“Where am I going to keep these? Especially here,” I said, glancing around.

If Dominic found them, he’d beat my ass raw.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic