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“He said we’d talk tonight. He’s been…busy.”

Vincent snorted. “Balls deep in Celeste, you mean.”

My heart jumped at Vincent's words, hurt radiating through me. I dropped my tube of mascara, causing the guys to look over at me. I quickly picked it up.

“Don’t worry, baby B. He’s an idiot,” Vincent said gently.

Dominic said nothing, simply opting to watch me with no emotion on his face.

I forced a smile onto my lips. “It’s fine. I told him I was done. He said he was too. He’s free to do whatever he wants. Or whoever he wants,” I muttered.

It didn't make my heart hurt any less. I’d been so furious before. Not that I wasn’t still mad, but I knew I needed to get my shit sorted if I was going to get through any of this. My dad used to tell me to look on the bright side, so that was what I was trying to do. I had food. Shelter. A husband who seemed to care about me despite the earlier shit. Vinny… and even Fallon in a weird way. Instead of fighting those things, no matter how despicable they’d been, I had to be grateful. I was still alive. If anyone deserved my anger, it was Fallon anyway. He was the one who'd been intent on handing me over, while the kings hadn’t pulled the trigger. But I was so sick of being angry. I really did want my peace and sanity back.

I shoved all the angry thoughts away. Not tonight. I wanted—no, I needed—to let go so I could feel something good again. So I could move past everything. And if I was doing it without Levin, so be it. The fact he’d decided so quickly Celeste was who he wanted made it easier for me to let him go, even if it did hurt like a bitch.

The guys didn’t say anything else, but based on Vincent’s face, he shared my pain too.

And that was good. At least I wasn’t alone.

* * *

Music and shoutsof partygoers sounded out loudly as I leaned against the railing of the old dip house. Bonfires blazed while people danced and had a good time, drinks in hand. Despite the cool fall air, I wasn't too cold in the short pleated skirt.

“Got you a drink,” Vincent said, sidling up beside me and handing me a cup of alcohol.

I took it and sniffed. “Did you poison it?”

He grinned. “Well, I drugged it if that’s what you mean. Figured I’d get you wasted then fuck you silly when you couldn’t fight back.”

I lifted a brow at him. “You’d really do that?”

He snorted. “No, baby B, I really wouldn’t. Well, I mean, I might if you don’t give me something soon. I still have the worst case of blue balls imaginable.”

I sipped my drink and glanced to where Dominic stood with a few of their court. He seemed to be in a decent mood, but I had a feeling he was plotting like always. If I had to wager a guess, I’d bet he was directing his loyal followers on what he needed done. He was always all work.

I licked the alcohol from my lips and leaned into Vincent. His hand immediately moved to rest on my lower back as I whispered in his ear, “I’d like to pick up where we left off,” I said softly.

He shifted closer as I angled my face to stare up at him. His dark hair was a mess, but like always, he was dressed to kill. His eyes glinted in the light from the bonfire.

“Just say when,” he answered back. “My cock has been hard since I got to rifle through your panty drawer earlier.”

I started to lean in to kiss him, unsure how Dominic would take to the display of affection in front of others since I was pretty sure he wanted the world to think I belonged to him exclusively, when something caught my eye.

Or rather someone.

Levin had arrived. Celeste’s hand was wrapped firmly around his as they made their way to Dominic.

Sensing my hesitation, Vincent turned to see what I was staring at.

“B, come on—”

“Are they… really together now?” I asked, my voice shaking.

“B, it’s just business, you know? Besides, you both said you were done—”

“I know what I said,” I snapped.

He frowned. The fact Levin had moved on so quickly hurt. Maybe he was doing it just to cause me pain since I hadn’t been kind to him when I'd needed to be. Or maybe it was business. In the grand scheme of things, it didn’t matter why, it just mattered that he was.

And that really fucking broke my heart.

Levin approached Dominic whose gaze flitted over the pair before he excused himself from the group and nodded for Levin to follow him. The kiss Levin quickly pressed to Celeste’s temple made bile rise in my throat. His gaze locked on me as he pulled away with no emotion on his face.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic