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He smiled knowingly. “Then you know the Ivanovs have already approached me with an offer.”

“We'll double it.”

He cocked his head at me. “You don’t even know what their offer is.”

“Doesn't matter. Dominic is prepared to do double whatever they offered.”

“I see.” Vander Veer leaned back in his seat and surveyed me with keen eyes.

I didn't take him for a stupid man. Stupid men didn't accumulate millions and enemies. Vander Veer knew he had what we needed.

“I'll tell you what. I'll give De Santis the weapons and my word he'll have priority if he pays double and you date my daughter.”

“What?” I couldn't have heard him correctly.

He sighed and swirled his drink. “Celeste likes to date men I’d rather she stayed away from. None of them want her for more than a few nights. The last one was sleeping with someone he met on campus. I’d like for her to experience a real relationship. One that'll make her fall in love and then break her to strengthen her. Give that to her, and you'll have your contract with me. But your relationship needs to last for a decent, believable stretch of time. A few weeks. Four. Six. More if you’re enjoying yourself. I’ll let you decide.”

I swallowed, sickness roiling deep in my guts. I hadn’t planned on making this a long-term thing.

“You'll get your weapons. You'll get my word to be exclusive to De Santis. And you'll get a decent enough girl.”

“And how long will the contract and your word last?” I said, dreading his answer.

“For as long as you make Celeste happy. I realize you’re a young man who has needs. I also realize my daughter isn't some innocent princess. I’d like for you to remain faithful to her. When you need to leave, do it in such a way she’ll feel it. Teach her to be...smarter. Make better choices. As of late, she hasn't impressed me, and she’s going to be out on her own soon. She won’t survive the way she is now. She needs to toughen up. You strike me as someone who can harden her a bit.”

I breathed out, trying to stop the burning in my throat from the rising bile. What choice did I have? Dom—we—needed these weapons. It would fuck the Bratva. We’d have more than them. They’d be scrambling to fill their weapon void. And wars were fought with weapons in my world.

I had no choice. Bianca had already told me to fuck off. Me continuing to cling to any sort of hope was stupid. I came here to get this deal. Here it was, dangling like a carrot in front of my face.

“Deal,” I said. “But don’t come for me when shit goes south with her. I’m not good with women.”

He laughed. “None of us really are. You’re perfect for the job.” He threw back his drink, and I did the same, washing down the sickness.

“I'll send over the contracts. Dominic De Santis is who I presume I'll be dealing with? Not his father?”

“No. We don’t even want Matteo to know of this.”

“Understood.” He rose to his feet. “Shall we return?”

I nodded and stood. My legs felt like lead as I followed him out of the room. But my job had always been to do the shit no one else wanted to do.

Looked like that wouldn’t change any time soon.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic