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Aweek later, life had pretty much returned to normal. I was still sullen toward the kings. I was worried too because I had no idea what was going on with Dominic’s dad. Dom had gone radio silent on the subject. With the upcoming celebration upon us, I was getting sick to my stomach. Last night, I had a panic attack, and Dominic had given me something which had knocked me out. It had to be the same thing as before because now I woke with the same hangover headache.

Dominic's arm tightened around my waist, where he was cuddled against my back. I’d all but given up on having my own space. Dominic didn’t allow me to stray far from him. Vincent was always just a step away as well, offering me his calming smile and reassuring looks. Levin kept his distance on all accounts. I’d only seen him once since the night Dominic had come home from his father’s to tell me about his dad being a sick fuck. Thankfully, Levin had been alone when I'd glimpsed him, but I’d heard the rumors of him and Celeste floating around. He spent most of his time with her. No official dating status had been proclaimed yet, and Dominic and Vincent didn’t speak about it at all to me.

“How do you feel?” Dominic’s deep voice greeted me as I rolled over beside him. I squeezed my eyelids closed and groaned. I hated waking up to the same feeling every day. “Like I could go back to sleep.”

He let out a soft huff of laughter and hauled me closer to his large, warm body. “I wish we could. Unfortunately, wife, we must keep up appearances.”

We’d been getting along better because I'd stopped fighting him as much on things. I was learning that picking my battles was important. I still hadn’t given in and had sex with him again though, which had been a challenge on a few occasions because Dominic really was a force to be reckoned with.

I stiffened as he leaned in to press his lips to mine. He caught me by the chin before I could pull away too far.

“Stop,” he growled, squeezing my face. “I want to taste you, wasp.”

“Dominic—” I let out a gasp of surprised when he released me and pushed me onto my back so he could level his hard body over mine.

His shirt was off, displaying planes of muscle and smooth skin.

“Why do you punish me so?” he murmured as he stared down at me, his weight supported on his elbows.

“Because you punished me first.” I locked gazes with him, butterflies flapping wildly in my chest.

“Mm, wasp, I haven’t even begun to punish you.” He ran his lips along my jaw.

I tensed beneath him, my breath held. This was one of those moments I knew if he persisted, I’d cave in.

“Please stop fighting me and let go.” He nipped at the sensitive skin of my neck. “Let me love my wife how I want to love her.”

I swallowed, my breath whooshing out softly.

“Let me bury myself deep inside your heat so I can hear you scream my name.” He ground his hard length against my aching pussy as I trembled with desire beneath him.

“I need my birth control refilled,” I managed to choke out as he captured my face with his hand.

“You really don’t,” he said softly, forcing me to keep looking at him.

“I didn’t want to get married let alone have a baby.”

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he released my face and pushed my panties aside. My breath hitched when the warmth from his dick slid through my folds and threatened my entrance.

“You’ll learn soon enough that in this life, we don’t always get a choice.”

Before he could take things further, a knock sounded against his door. He let out an angry snarl.

“Case in point.” He hefted off me.

I scrambled to haul the blankets up to my chin. I was moments from giving into anything he wanted, that old anger be damned.

He yanked his pants on and went to the door, jerking it open.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” he demanded.

“I need to talk to you,” Fallon said in a rush. “You didn’t answer my calls. What choice did I fucking have?”

Dominic grabbed Fallon by his shirt and yanked him into the room. Fallon stumbled before righting himself quickly. His eyes found me immediately in bed, and he took a step forward. Dominic was fast to intercept him and stood in front of him.

“What the hell do you need?” Dominic snapped. “Don’t fucking look at her. Look at me.”

“No offense, but she’s way better to look at,” Fallon mumbled, peeking back at me.

“What did I tell you about coming to see me? I recall telling you I’d shoot you in the fucking face if you didn’t listen.”

“You were supposed to let me know what’s going on with Natalia. I haven’t heard about it. I had a rough night last night. The last thing I want to do is get bitched at, OK? ”

Dominic leveled a glare on him and folded his arms across his chest. “Why was last night rough?”

“Because I was doing your bidding,” Fallon shot back. “Do you have any idea what it’s like trying to come up with creative ways to ask Hail questions? He’s an inquisitive fuck and assumes every inquiry has a hidden motive. In this case, he’s right.”

“So did you get any information?” Dominic demanded.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic