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“I’ll see you at seven,” I grumbled to Aubrey while I watched Levin nod at something Celeste was saying.

“Just so you know, Celeste Vander Veer gets around. Her dad owns Rustic Rifles, the gun company. They’re big money. Old money. Really important in the new world you're part of.”

I swallowed. “Should I be worried about her?”

“Terrified,” Aubrey answered. “If I were a girl who maybe liked a boy who was my mafia husband’s best friend, I’d probably go intervene. Just an observation I’ve made recently.”

Aubrey gave me a pointed look and waved goodbye. She was, in fact, too observant for my own good. I’d have to dial down my reactions to the guys back a bit if I were going to keep my feelings on lockdown.

I watched Celeste with Levin. It was no secret the kings had their share of women, but to blatantly flirt with them in front of me cut me deeply. Of course, he could just be talking, and it wasn’t anything to worry about. But I trusted Aubrey. She knew more about these people than I did.

Drawing in a deep breath, I sauntered over to Levin and Celeste.

“Hi,” I said, stepping to Levin’s side and noting her hand on his knee.

She was pretty, I’d give her that. Long, auburn hair. Hazel eyes. A body I was sure got her everything her plump lips didn’t.

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Hi?”

She was exactly the sort of snobby bitch Bolten seemed to like to churn out. Whatever. I was over the day and decided human interaction would not be a good thing considering I was pissed about the little trick Dominic just pulled with moving me to his room.

“Levin. I’d like to leave. Dominic moved all my things, and I’m sure he’s made a mess.”

“In a minute,” Levin said, not bothering to glance at me as Celeste widened her smile at him.

He looked gorgeous sitting there in his uniform, his muscles bulging through the navy jacket, his tie partially undone and his blond hair a mess. I could see why Celeste was interested. I didn’t like it. She had no right…

I silently fumed, my hands balled into tight fists.

“So. I was thinking why not, you know?” Celeste continued as if I weren’t there. “It could be fun. It’s only for the night, and Daddy would love it if you'd be able to come.”

“Levin,” I snarled softly.

He cast me a cursory glance before his attention went back to her.

“So, anyway,” Celeste continued.

“Levin,” I said, frustrated he wasn’t paying attention.

He skated his heated gaze lazily over me, sending a torrent of goosebumps through my body as he paused at my chest before his eyes met mine.

“Do you need something?”

My gaze darted between him and Celeste as he made no motion to move and raised his brows at me.

“You’re an asshole.” I turned away from him, not in the mood to fight over a man who clearly wasn’t interested anymore. Maybe he regretted not shooting me in the woods after all. He did say me being dead would've saved him a lot of trouble.

I was married to Dominic now anyway. As much as I wanted to believe he’d still let me be with the rest of the kings, I knew how jealous and possessive he was. Plus, I was still pissed at them, Fallon included. With the exception of Vincent, they could all kiss my ass.

So why does it hurt so much whenever I thought about losing them?

I stormed across the lawn in the direction of my dorm, my heart aching and my brain a jumbled mess of confusing thoughts. Even though Dominic said he’d had it cleaned out, it was still mine. If nothing else, I might be able to get some peace and quiet before I was forced into his lair.

But it wasn’t peace and quiet I needed. What I needed was to curl up into a tight ball and cry. And maybe send a whispered prayer to whoever in the universe could hear me.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic