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Ileaned against the lockers outside of Bianca’s class, waiting for the bell to ring. I always left classes early. Sitting there listening to the droning of these assholes didn’t do much for me. It wasn't like I needed to know shit about amoebas or what-the-fuck-ever they were trying to jam down our throats.

“Hey there,” Stella called out as she approached me.

I gave her a half-hearted glance before going back to reading a poster announcing tryouts for some school musical.

She stopped in front of me, blocking off the list of requirements for auditioning. “Why didn’t you come see me last night?”

“Why the fuck would I do that?” I raised a brow at her, wondering just how crazy she was.

She giggled and ran her hand up my chest. “Because I know Bianca isn’t giving you any. Dom won’t let her. Figured I could help you out while you wait.”

I knocked her hand off my chest. “I’ll fuck Levin before I fuck you.”

She scoffed. “That’s fine. Bring him too. I’d love to be the meat in that sandwich.”

I wrinkled my nose at her. “The fuck is the matter with you?”

She shrugged. “I’d say the problem is with you, not me. What sort of man says no to sex?”

“The kind with some fucking decency.”

She laughed again. “Stop your holier-than-thou act, Vincent. We both know how dirty and depraved you are. We’ve fucked before. I won’t tell anyone if that makes it easier on you. I know how you are and just what you like.” She reached forward and rubbed my dick through my pants. I tensed beneath her touch, rage flowing through me.

With as much control as I had, I grasped her wrist and pushed her hand firmly away. “No, Stella. Don’t touch me. I’m a king, not a fucking lord. You come to me if I tell you to come to me, not the other way around. If you keep this up, I’ll tie you to a train track and let the cops sort you out.”

She snatched her wrist out of my hold, a sneer on her face. “You’re all the same, you know that? Everyone wants Bianca, and for what? She doesn’t want you back. Yet, you still pine for her. What the fuck is the matter with you?”

I raised my brows at her, cool and calm as could be. “Ask yourself that question. The kings don’t want you, and yet you still try. Explain it to me, wise one, so I may understand.”

“You’re an asshole.”


She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “Whatever. I don’t even care. Dom has me fucking Hail again anyway. Dom changed his mind on his terms. He wants me to get as much information as I can. This morning was a nightmare. Do you know what I had to do to get back in Hail's good graces after I stormed out on him last time?”

“The same shit you always do? Drop to your knees and eat cock like a starved dog?”

“I did it to stay alive. If Hail knew what I was really doing, he’d kill me.”

“Then why the fuck are you standing here talking to me like we’re best friends?” I slid my gaze over to her. “Get lost.”

“I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this.”

I shook my head at her. “This is what you get when you play with fire. Loads of burns. Just stay in your lane, and hope to fuck shit doesn’t hit the fan. If Dom said we’d protect you, we will, but that doesn’t mean any of us are going to fuck you or give a shit about you. If you want to stay alive, then follow the fucking rules. Now beat it. You’re ruining my dream of starring in the school musical.”

“Fuck you, Vincent.” She turned on her heel and sashayed back the way she came.

“Fucking psycho,” I muttered, going back to reading the poster.

I bet I could audition and get the lead. Who the fuck wouldn’t want me to play Romeo? I was a shoo-in.

The bell rang, pulling me out of my weird thoughts, and I waited for Bianca to come out of her class. She appeared a moment later, looking just as beautiful as she had an hour ago when I’d left her here.

“Hey, baby B,” I said, draping my arm over her slender shoulders. “Did I tell you how beautiful you are today?”

“It’ll take a lot more than a few compliments to make me like you again, Vincent,” she said, trying to shrug my arm off.

“I thought we were good. What happened?” I took her books out of her arms and tucked them beneath my other arm as we walked.

When I’d left her with Dom at the safe house, she’d given my hand a squeeze and acted like things might get back to normal. Now, I was confused.

“Nothing happened. I just haven’t forgotten the shit you guys did to me. Add to it, the fact I’m now goddamn married—”

“You’re married to a fucking legend, B. Dom isn’t just some fuckboy. He’s the big time. I mean, I wish it were my ring on your finger, but I’m sure we’ll play house just the same.”

“You’re overly optimistic,” she grumbled, stopping at her locker.

She twisted the combination and opened it. I placed her books on the shelf over her head as she stared into the open space.

“What’s wrong?”

“Everything,” she said softly.

“Come here,” I instructed gently, not knowing if she was going to kick me in the dick but deciding I’d take my chances. I wrapped my arms around her, the tension leaving my body as she nestled against my chest.

“It’s OK, baby. I know you’re pissed, but I swear you’re safe with us. No one is going to hurt you if we can help it.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“I know, but I promise, OK?”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic