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“D-Dominic! Dom!” Aubrey clutched her chest as she dragged in deep breaths.

Immediately, I went on high alert as I got to my feet.

“What’s wrong? Where’s Bianca?”

“G-gone. I-I can’t find her. She wasn’t feeling good. We went to the bathroom, and she was waiting in the hall for me. When I came back, she was gone. D-did you send her a drink?”

“What?” I frowned. “No.”

“She drank something, and now she’s gone. The shot girl said it was from you.”

Levin moved to the balcony and peered out at the crowd as Vincent turned away from us. I followed his gaze to see Fallon and Stella rushing to us.

This isn’t fucking good. My chest clenched. All thoughts on the possibility of her going back to dancing left me. We’d just dealt with some asshole shoving me and shouting about me stealing his drinks.

Diversion. It was a fucking diversion!

“Where’s Bianca?” Fallon demanded, breathless.

“Missing,” Vincent said, his voice shaking.

“The horsemen. Celeste is pissed. She told Hail where you were tonight. Trent made the call to his contact, so the horsemen know you’re here. We need to get the fuck out of here. We have to find Bianca,” Fallon rattled off, his eyes filled with panic.

“Aubrey, where was she last?” I demanded.

“In the hallway by the bathrooms. I’m sorry, Dominic. I-I-”

I turned away from her tears and focused on my men. “She couldn’t have gotten far. Find her. Check everywhere.”

Everyone scattered like roaches in the light as I drew in a deep breath, my mind racing a mile a minute.

“Where is she?” I snarled, staring out at the dance floor from the balcony, hoping to catch a glimpse of her below.

Fallon stood beside me, staring out at the writhing bodies.

“Fucking Celeste,” I snarled. “She’s dead.”

“Hail offered her his protection,” Fallon said tightly. “I can’t be seen with you. I don’t see her up here. I’m going to down to the floor to look for her.”

I didn’t stop him. Instead, I took the backstairs down and called her phone from the quiet. It rang several times before her voicemail picked up. I called again. And again. Nothing. My guts twisted as my heart thudded hard, my pulse roaring in my ears.

I can’t lose her. Fuck. I need to find her.

I ran to the dance floor and forced my way through the thrashing bodies, looking for Bianca.

“She’s not here. Vin went to check the bathrooms,” Levin said tightly.

I swallowed. “Check out front. I’ll look in the back. The court is searching too.”

“Dom, if what Fallon said is true, the horsemen—”

“Just find her,” I said thickly. “We have to find her.”

Levin nodded and rushed off, leaving me standing in the center of the dance floor. When I didn’t see her, I moved to the back hallway and asked a bouncer if he’d seen her.

“Red dress? Hot blonde? She left with De Luca. Not ten minutes ago.”

I swallowed, my blood running cold.

“Lorenzo De Luca?”

“Yeah. Out the back. You didn’t hear that from me.”

I pushed past him and rushed to the back doors, flinging them open. Nothing.

“Fuck,” I snarled, raking my hands down my face as my blood roared through my veins.

Something dark on the ground caught my eye. I picked it up. Vincent’s wallet.


I pulled my phone out and called Levin. “They have Vin and Bianca. I’m in the back lot. ”

I didn’t wait for his answer. I hung up and stared up at the stars.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic