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“You’re insane,” I whispered as he pinned my arms over my head.

He ran his nose along my neck, breathing me in before he let out a soft chuckle. “You’re the hottest girl on this campus and my fiancée. Do you know what I’m willing to do to keep you, Bianca?” He loomed over me again, his eyes locked on mine.

“No,” I rasped.

“I’d kill you just to keep you mine. That’s love, my little rat.”

“That’s nuts,” I hissed. A tear managed to snake its way down my cheek.

He leaned down and licked it. “Maybe, but you belong to me. Do we have a deal? If not, I’m just going to fuck you now. Maybe in your ass so you remember to not defy me.”

I quivered beneath him, so many emotions raging through my body. I loathed him. I detested David and my mother for doing this to me. I despised Sergio and Marian for birthing such a disgusting piece of shit. I hated my father for leaving.

I flinched as Hail shifted, capturing my wrists in one hand and moving his other hand beneath my skirt. He brushed his fingers against my panty line, his breathing heavy.

“I’ll do it. I’ll do anything you say.” The words came tumbling out of my mouth. “Just give me time, Hail. Please.”

He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips, releasing my wrists. When I didn’t kiss him back, his hand wrapped around my throat where he squeezed. I clawed at it as he cut off my air supply.

“Understand this, Bianca. If I want to eat your pussy, I will. If I want my cock sucked, you’ll suck it. If I kiss you, you fucking kiss me back. If you don’t do what I want, I’ll fuck that tiny ass of yours so hard you’ll bleed, then I’ll let my friends fuck it too. Do you understand?”

I wheezed out, clawing at his arms as his hand tightened on my neck.

“You’d have a beautiful death,” he murmured as I struggled beneath him.

He was nuts. Insane.

“Answer me. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes,” I rasped.

He released me, and I coughed, gasping for air.

“Good girl. I knew you’d fall in line.” He moved off me.

I quickly slid across the bed and curled into a ball, my eyes burning as I struggled to fight off the tears of anger.

“My poor, beautiful girl,” he murmured, caressing my hair.

I didn’t dare flinch away.

“I’ll be back later..” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my temple before getting to his feet and going to the door.

I squeezed my eyes closed as the click of his departure echoed around me.

Bolten was just as bad as home was. Maybe even worse.



Thankfully, Hail didn’t come back that night. I managed to get my homework done before falling asleep. I didn’t bother with dinner, so when my stomach gave a growl while I strolled through the courtyard this morning, I winced. I hadn’t eaten in nearly twenty-four hours. Hunger pangs s

hot through me.

I knew the cafeteria served some elaborate breakfast, but I opted for a vending machine. Quickly, I chose a breakfast bar and bent to retrieve it when I felt a hand on my ass. I snapped up, ready to punch someone, until I saw it was Hail. He smirked at me, an eyebrow raised.

“Hello, rat,” he greeted me.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic