Page 13 of The Bartered Soul

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The Captain’s manners are as polite as before, and he pulls my seat out and serves me before himself.

“I haven’t seen you on deck much lately,” I open the conversation, more because of my curiosity at his absence than because I care about his affairs.

“Oh, I’ve been around. Dealing with ship’s business, but I’ve been keeping an eye on things,” he answers vaguely, cutting his eyes to me before changing the subject. “I hear you are settling in with your herbs and potions. Is the room suitable?”

“Yes, thank you. Some of the crew have come by to visit for minor ailments already,” I reply, still savoring the potatoes as I clear my plate. Lennox smiles at me and refills my glass without prompting as he watches me eat.

“I’m sure they are more interested in safely looking at you than they are in having their injuries treated,” he smirks, a small huff of laughter escaping his lips.

“That may be, but your warning seemed to tell them where they stand on that front. Although,” I pause, “I do have a… concern…,” I cannot decide how to address the situation. I do not want him to think I am afraid of the men in general, but I also want to know more about the hostile crewman. Lennox watches me expectantly, prompting me to continue with a raise of his brows.

I dab my lips with my napkin, then take another sip of wine before elaborating, “One of your crew — an older man, with a salt and pepper beard, missing teeth?”

“Round gut and short stature?” Lennox finishes the description for me, lips pursing in distaste.

“Yes. He’s… disrespectful.” I don’t mince words. The man has not done anything to me physically, but he has certainly not upheld the Captain’s decree.

“Jon Crewes. He’s a bastard, new to the crew,” the Captain names the man, his eyes narrowing. “I only took him on because one of the others vouched for him and I needed a few replacement men. What has he done?”

“Nothing directly. I just get the impression he would… like to. He’s made remarks. No worse than I’ve heard a hundred times before, but it’s a sensation I get in his presence.”

“I’ll have Erik speak with him tomorrow. He will be removed from the crew at the next port. No man will disobey my orders on this ship.” His jaw clenches briefly before he relaxes and takes a sip of wine.

My wine stops midway to my mouth as I reel in shock. He will dismiss a crewman for simply making me feel uncomfortable?

My comfort has been the least of anyone’s concern for many years, let alone one of the men who has bought my body for his own use. I recover and sip my wine, nodding as if I expected nothing less. Lennox is watching me like I’m the dessert course though, and I return his heated gaze boldly.

“So Captain, I’ve been aboard your ship for over a week now. Do you plan on telling me what exactly you plan to do with me, or Lyra for that matter?” The wine loosens my tongue and I am direct, looking for a hint at his intentions.

“Lyra is special and will come to no harm on this voyage. You have my word on that. You,” his eyes gutter, and that wicked smile returns. “I plan on giving great pleasure — whenever you request.”

I almost spit out my wine at this declaration. I will not be requesting this man to give me any such thing.

“Is that what happened to the other girls you’ve bought from the Houses on the row? You gave them such pleasure that they combusted and couldn’t return to shore?” My face is hard and my words bitter. No matter how well fed I am, or how fine the wine, I will not allow myself to forget those girls. Nor will I let him forget that they’re not far from my thoughts.

Lennox pushes his chair away and stands abruptly, shocking me at his sudden reaction. He steps around the table and yanks my chair out, rotating it so I am seated in front of him. I’m forced to stare up at him, my hands fisted in my lap, teeth gritted at his behavior. He jerks me upright to standing, strong fingers gripping my upper arm, and tilts my chin up with his other hand forcing me to look into his deep green eyes.

“You don’t know anything about what happened to those girls,” he snarls, gripping my chin harder. This is it, he’s going to take me now because I’ve offended him.

I swallow and accept his challenge, knowing my eyes are blue flames with my anger. I continue to clench my teeth until his grip softens and he runs his long fingers along my jaw, down my neck, and then down the open front of my gown barely grazing the skin on my breastbone.

My body breaks rank from my mind and trembles under the touch, my stomach fluttering at the sensation. He pulls me even closer to him, and I gasp as my breasts press against his muscular chest, the thin fabric of my dress and fine linen of his shirt the only thing separating our warm flesh. His hand continues its light touch down my side and over one of my hip bones while his other presses lightly against my lower back, testing to see if I will fight him.

My core ignites with his touch. There’s no denying that, despite the anger I feel toward him, I find him physically attractive, and I catch myself gazing at his full lips. My mouth parts at our close proximity, our breath mingling in the space between us. He gives a ghost of a smile and I’m not sure if I rise up or he leans down, but our lips meet.

It’s been an age since I have felt such heat in a kiss, and my body presses against him involuntarily as the kiss deepens. Despite everything, I long for him to touch me everywhere, so I wrap my arms around his neck to encourage him. My fingers run through his disheveled dark hair and pull lightly, causing me to smile internally when he breathes a moan against my mouth. He cups my face as he pulls away and breaks free from my arms. I can’t read the expression on his face as he inspects my countenance; surely my wantonness is clear in my eyes.

“I think that will be all for tonight, Andromeda. Sweet dreams,” Lennox whispers before planting a kiss on my brow, right where my faded sigil rests. He straightens his shirt and smoothes his hair before walking to the cabin door to let me back out into the night air.

I am stunned. Never before have I had a customer resist me, especially one who has already paid. I can see clearly that he desires me; his trousers fit tightly enough for me to view proof of his arousal as he stands straight at the door. The longing I have felt since I woke from my dreams earlier in the week combines with the ache of desire from the Captain’s hot kisses. I brush my hair back and make sure my dress is lying properly before tucking into my cloak and breezing from the room.

“Goodnight, Captain,” I declare coldly, hoping my tone masks my frustration as I march to my cabin below deck.

Chapter 9

When the door swings open to our cabin, my angry footsteps falter as I’m taken aback to find Lyra enjoying a cup of tea with Charlie. I’m not the only one startled; the cabin boy stands so quickly from his seat at the small table that he knocks his chair over.

“Oh! Andromeda! You’re back so soon! Charlie was just keeping me company,” Lyra explains as though this is a tea party with a porcelain doll instead of a young man.

Tags: L.B. Benson Historical