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“Come in,” I called softly, trying to avoid any echo.

Once my call was heard, the wooden door moved aside, allowing the two cheery-faced children entrance. Guppy was older, probably about nine years old, and his younger sister was the spitting image of him, only with darker eyes. Their sweet faces had made my first full day in confinement bearable.

“Good evening, princess!” Guppy smiled. “We brought you some lentil stew for supper. I hope you like it.”

A warm smile spread across my face at his kind hospitality. “I love lentils. Thank you for bringing it, Guppy.”

“And I brought you some tea!” Bindi stated proudly, clearly not wanting to be overshadowed by her older brother. “I think it’s made with dandelions this time... I’m not really sure.”

I laughed. “It sounds delicious, thank you.” I took a small sip of the tea and was instantly greeted with the bright floral taste of dandelion, along with the earthy taste of something else...Was it valerian root? I leaned my nose over my cup and took in a focused sniff.It’s definitely valerian root.

Mother and I had foraged valerian a few times when I was younger. The plant is known for aiding in sleep, which is why it’s often used in evening teas. I looked between the two children as an idea permeated my thoughts.Bindi is pretty tall for her age, .not much shorter than me.I eyed the simple green cloak she wore over her cotton dress.

It’s worth a try…

“It’s delicious, Bindi!” I said brightly, earning a pleased smile from the girl. “Although... I do think it’s missing a little something. Do you happen to know where they mix the tea blends?”

The children exchanged a silent look. Guppy shook his head lightly at his sister before he addressed me, “We do...but I’m afraid we can’t take you there. We have strict instructions not to let you leave without a grown-up.” He hung his head slightly, as if he was disappointed he couldn’t fulfill my request.

I broadened my smile. “Oh, that’s quite alright! I don’t need to go there myself, but I was hoping the two of you could prepare a special blend for me.”

“I could do that!” Bindi’s eyes widened as she bounced eagerly. “I would love to make you anything you’d like!”

Guppy shrugged. “Yeah, that should be okay. What would you like?”

A malicious smile tugged at my lips, but I suppressed it. “Could you make me some tea with lots of valerian root? It’s my favorite, and it really helps me relax.”

Bindi smiled. “Absolutely! We have a whole bunch of it! I’ll go make you a cup right now. Are you coming, Guppy?” She grabbed her older brother by the sleeve, tugging him behind her.

Guppy gave me a curious look. Valerian root didn’t have much flavor, so it wasn’t surprising that my request was puzzling. “Huh? Oh! Yeah, I’m coming, sis.” He trailed behind her, shaking his sleeve loose from her grip.

It didn’t take terribly long for the two to return. Bindi carried the fresh cup of tea with the brightest smile gracing her face, and for a brief moment, I felt guilty about my intentions. I pushed the feeling down before it could seep in.

They’ll be fine. I just need to focus on getting out of here.

Bindi proudly stretched out the clay mug to me. “Here ya go, Your Highness!” Some of the hot liquid sloshed over the side as she thrust the cup forward, but she didn’t seem to notice.

I gingerly took the cup from her. “Thank you, Bindi. It looks delicious.” I tilted the cup back as if to take a sip, but kept my lips sealed as I did so. The smell alone sent a rush of the root’s calming effect throughout my senses.Hopefully it will be strong enough to induce sleep. As I lowered the mug, I scrunched up my nose in distaste. “Are you certain this is valerian root? It tastes a little different.” I furrowed my brow as I looked down into my cup.

Poor Bindi looked panicked at my displeasure. “It should be... Guppy read the label on the storage crate for me and everything. Does it taste bad?” Her big brown eyes melted me as she expressed her heartfelt concern.

“I don’t think it’s bad, it’s just...” I paused, swirling the liquid around in my cup. “Here, why don’t you try it?” I extended the cup back to Bindi and to my relief, she took it, then gulped down a massive sip.

She scrunched her nose. “It doesn’t taste like much at all.” she said in a displeased voice.

I put on a thoughtful expression. “Are you sure? There’s a peculiar taste there. Maybe you missed it?” I gestured at the drink and Bindi took another curious sip.

“I can’t taste it.” She pouted.

I turned to her brother. “Guppy, why don’t you try it? Maybe Bindi is too young to tell the difference in flavors.” Guppy’s eyes brightened at my mention of his superior age. Just as I had hoped, it was hard for him to refuse an opportunity to outshine his sister.

Bindi continued to pout as her brother snatched the mug from her hands. I couldn’t withhold my smile as he guzzled a massive drink. When he tipped the cup back, he wore his own puzzled expression. “No, Bindi’s right. It doesn’t really taste like much. Are ya sure you like valerian root? I always thought it tasted kinda plain.” He passed the mug back to me, and as he did so, I noticed a slight yawn pass Bindi’s lips.

“Of course, I’m sure,” I said sweetly. “In fact, there’s a very special story behind why I enjoy it so much. Would you like to hear it?”

Bindi’s eyes lit up. “I love stories!”

“Excellent,” I said quickly, not waiting for Guppy to give his own reply. “Have a seat and I’ll tell you both.” I sat on my mattress and motioned for them both to join me. Bindi hopped over giddily while Guppy approached a little more reluctantly, a sleepy fog clouding his eyes now.

Tags: Abigail Manning The Emerald Realm Fantasy