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My question was soon answered when I caught sight of Yvette along the side of the stable. I gasped as new tears filled my eyes. Lined up along the stable were dozens of jars, pots, kettles, and basins, all filled to the brim with my freshly cut garden. I covered my mouth in awe as I watched Beatrice and Chester approach the wall with another jar of roses in hand. Clusters of my familiar blooms burst with color against the stark stable wall.

They had collected the flowers for me so I could enjoy them for even just a little longer.

My heart swelled with joy as I leapt to my feet to run out and thank them. As I passed by my bed, I froze, my gaze hovering over the ruined dress. It was then that an idea popped into my mind. A smile slowly spread across my face as I reached for the dress and wadded it up in my arms.

“Thanks for the idea, stepmother.”

chapter twelve

I rushed straight to Yvette and wrapped her into a tight embrace. The woman jumped at the sudden contact, but then relaxed and hugged me back.

“Where have you been, child?” she asked sternly, pulling me at arm’s length. “We’ve been worried sick about you. We didn’t even know if you came home last night.” As Yvette lectured me, Beatrice and Chester approached with armfuls of salvaged flowers.

“Kali!” Chester ran forward, flinging petals in the air behind him. “Thank goodness you’re alright. I thought for sure you were gone for good.” His relieved voice carried awkwardly through the mass of flowers in front of his face. I opened my mouth to explain myself, but Beatrice cut me off.

“What’s that in yer arms?” Her gaze dropped to the bunched-up gown that covered my entire torso. Yvette seemed to finally notice it as well. She must have been too relieved to see me to notice the mountain of fabric in between our hug. I took a quick glance around the garden before gesturing for them to follow me. The trio gave me a look, but allowed me to lead them to the side of the stable, which was blocked from the manor’s view. I took one final glance around before deeming it private, then unfurled the dress in my arms. At first, the gardeners shared looks of shock at the sight of the voluminous gown, but as they stared longer, their expressions morphed into obvious distaste.

Chester scrunched his nose. “Did you go digging in some alley trash while you were out?”

I sighed.This might be more difficult than I thought.“No, Chester, this was a gift.” I smiled at the three pairs of questioning gazes. “I’m going to wear it to the ball tonight!”

Silence followed, along with more disgusted expressions amongst my audience.

“Kalina, you’d be better off accepting the consequences of your stepmother’s mischief than wearingthatin public,” Beatrice sneered. “Just look at that thing. It looks like it’s been stuffed down a chimney, and it smells like it, too.” She pinched her nose, and I only then noticed that the smell of smoke was a tad potent.

“Why do you want to go to the ball anyway, Kalina?” Yvette inquired.

“Because...” I took a deep breath, “I’m going to break into the palace offices to swap out my application before Sapphira can ruin my hopes and dreams for good. And I’m going to need this dress to do it.” I raised the dress a little higher as the jaws around me dropped.

Chester leaned over to whisper in Beatrice’s ear, “Do you think the destruction of the garden finally unhinged her?”

“Chester!” I snapped, placing my hands upon my hips. “I am perfectly sane, thank you. In fact, I believe I’m thinking clearer than ever before. Sapphira has made me suffer for long enough, and this is my only chance to reclaim the life my parents wanted for me.” I spouted the words boldly and the gardeners’ expressions grew more sympathetic.

“Oh, Kalina…” Yvette began. “We know your father wanted more for you, but sneaking into the palace...? Dear, that’s only going to get you thrown into prison.” She tried to place a compassionate hand on me, but I pulled away.

“I can’t go to prison if I’m never caught,” I retorted with a cheeky smile. The group eyed me nervously, likely considering if I had actually lost my mind.

Chester scratched his head. “How would you manage that? You’re not very sneaky, Kali, not to mention that the mistress would recognize you.”

I watched as their confused faces became increasingly more worried as my boldness only persisted. Without wanting to keep them in the dark any longer, I pulled the dress over my head and arms, throwing it loosely over my torso. Once my head found its way out through the heavy satin, I watched their faces morph into lost gazes. A rush of relief flooded over me as I recognized the enchantment doing its job.So the fire hadn’t damaged the magic after all, thank goodness.

“I’m sorry, miss, but can we help you?” Chester asked with a puzzled look, snapping me out of my relief. The other two gardeners looked equally confused by the strange girl standing behind their stable in a trashed ball gown. I stifled a laugh, then pulled the garment back off, noticing an instant change in the trio’s eyes.

“Kalina?” Beatrice blinked, trying to process what she was seeing. “Was that…? Did ya just…?” She looked over at the others as if they had an explanation, but Yvette only shrugged with similar bewilderment.

“I told you I needed the dress.” I laughed. “It’s enchanted, so no one can recognize me when I wear it.” I threw out my arms in a grand display, and the group finally showed signs of understanding.

“If you wear that dress…” Yvette paused in contemplation. “You may actually be able to undo the mistress’s plans without putting yourself in any danger… You could spare your reputation, and perhaps even get the job!” Her eyes lit up with excitement, and I smiled back brightly.

“Precisely!” I exclaimed. “There’s only one problem I have to deal with first…”

“The fact that it’s uglier than a dead mule?” Beatrice stated, unashamed. I gave her a slightly offended look, and she shrugged. “Am I wrong? It’s filthy, damaged, and it reeks of ash.”

I looked down at the crumpled dress in silent agreement. “I know, we can thank my stepfamily for that, but I have a plan to fix it. I will need all of your help in order to pull it off. What do you say? Can you help me get ready for the ball?” I looked at them all pleadingly.

“We’re here for you, Kali,” Chester said with a broad smile. “I don’t know how we can salvage that mess, but I’m happy to try to help.”

“We’ll all help,” Yvette added and Beatrice nodded alongside her. “Just tell us what you need.”

Tags: Abigail Manning The Emerald Realm Fantasy