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“I apologize for the fright, madam.” The deep, unfamiliar voice spoke again. “I am merely trying to do my job. The young lady appeared to have fled east. I located a satchel in the woods that was full of jewels. I assume she was intent on selling them. My guess is that she left the bag on mistake, meaning she has no money to travel. Your home is one of the few within walking distance from the satchel. I simply wish to collect information and leave.” My stomach lurched as the man unveiled his tracking methods. He had really found my hiding spot just from a forgotten bag? It seemed like a stretch. I spoke an unladylike word under my breath for leaving it behind in the first place.

“That is rather fascinating now that you mention it.” Lord Oberon spoke this time. “My staff encountered a few oddities when they first arrived at the estate. A few things had been found disturbed upon their return.” My hands anxiously twisted my dress.This was getting bad.

“What types of disturbances? Would you care to be more specific?” The hunter sounded a little more engaged than before, and I didn’t like it.

“The master bedroom had been slept in, a hot meal was left behind, and the kitchen fireplace was still warm upon arrival,” the master rattled off the offenses quickly, leaving me no time to prepare for the sting. I suppose that was a great deal of evidence.

“What!?” Lady Jenna shrieked. “You never told me any of this! Just how long has there been an intruder in our home? They aren’t still here, are they?”

I caught my breath and my knuckles were turning white from the excessive clawing at my skirts.

“Calm down, darling.” Lord Oberon let out an irked sigh. “I never told you because I didn’t see any purpose in worrying you. At the time I thought it was only a homeless urchin who broke in, but clearly, this man suspects otherwise.” An unsatisfied grumble sounded from his wife, but her opportunity for speaking was cut off by the hunter.

“How many days ago did your servants discover this?” the man asked eagerly.

“Three days ago, in the early morning,” the lord promptly replied, clearly avoiding his pouting wife.

“Have you noticed any other disturbances since then?” the hunter questioned.

“Yes, the lady’s room was found in a similar state of disorder as mine had been previously. That was only this morning...” he explained, a slight twinge of skepticism creeping into his voice. He was growing suspicious. This was not getting better for me.

“This morning?” The hunter sounded surprised. “The girl might be closer than I thought. Do you mind if I survey your grounds?”

“Not at all,” Lord Oberon responded swiftly. “If I can be of any assistance, please let me know. I want this girl brought home as much as you do. It’s such a shame what trouble her actions have caused.” My cheeks grew hot as I felt my temper begin to rise.If only they knew the full story.

“Thank you,” the hunter replied. “Hopefully I can find her before it is too late for her family.” An uneasy feeling swept through me at his response.

Huh? What was that supposed to mean?

“Too late?” Elias spoke the words I was longing to ask. “Too late for what?”

“For her family’s business, of course,” the hunter replied casually. “As I’m sure you have heard, the girl is engaged to the son of the Dugal family. Lord Lockly explained that the marriage was one of a business treaty. Their family is in great financial debt to the Dugals, so the marriage was meant as a means to dissolve the debt and combine their work. If the girl isn’t found soon, then her family could lose everything.”

My jaw fell open.Indebted? No, it couldn’t be... Could it?Father and Mother never mentioned such a thing. Was the whole thing a lie just to gain sympathy from the other families? But why would they broadcast that they were in debt? If they were in financial trouble, would they have even told me?

Thoughts swirled around my mind when Elias’s words broke them up for a moment.

“I understand.” His words were cold and lifeless; they sounded almost hurt or broken. Did he believe the hunter’s story? I stiffened at the fear of him being persuaded into distrusting me.

My head began to hurt as all the lingering possibilities crammed into my mind. The commotion from downstairs slowly faded as the hunter left for his search. I hugged Bear tightly as I nervously awaited Elias’s return.What was he thinking now?

The bedroom door opened.

I raced to my feet to meet him in the doorway. He paused at my oncoming pursuit but didn’t look nearly as anxious as I felt. He almost looked... angry?

“Are you alright?” I stopped just short of him. A sudden timid feeling prevented me from moving closer.

His eyes sharpened on me. “You never mentioned that your family was in debt.” He slammed the door behind him, and I jumped from the impact.

“I- I didn’t—”

“No, you didn’t! You didn’t say anything about your family losing everything! Or that your actions might leave them homeless!” He was yelling now, and I shrunk back. Bear crossed in front of my path in a protective stance.

“You should have told me.” He lowered his voice, eyeing Bear’s defensive position. He sounded more hurt than angry. “I can’t be responsible for ruining someone’s life, even if they aren’t the most honorable of people. No one deserves that.” His eyes misted over, but he turned his head quickly, presumably so I wouldn’t see.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered meekly. “I didn’t know, I swear.”

He turned back to me quickly with a stunned look spanning across his face. “How could you not know?”

Tags: Abigail Manning The Emerald Realm Fantasy