Page 103 of Beautiful Chances

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“You don’t think—” Mia’s ability to talk is stolen by the wail coming from deep within her chest. “I can’t… No!”

Locking eyes with Kas, I know he’s thinking the same as me. Alec wouldn’t voluntarily leave us, which only leaves one plausible explanation. Luis—or who the fuck ever—has gotten his hands on him.

“My back was only turned for a few minutes,” I murmur. “He didn’t want to walk to the next room, he wanted to remain within view of our door. When Cairo opened the door and Alec was gone, I assumed he went back to you guys.” Unable to deal with my idiocy, I punch the wall behind me.

Not caring about the pain, I keep punching until Kas pulls me away. “Hey, stop that! CJ, you need to get a fucking grip.” Shaking me, he shouts into my face until I blink and stop fighting him.

“Mr. Blanton’s tracker shows him to still be in the building.” Emerging from the bathroom, Jed immediately gives us a brief on what he’s learned. “The microphone isn’t picking anything up. It has likely been deactivated. Cairo and some others are searching for Mr. Blanton as we speak. Whistler will join us in a few minutes, and then—”

“I don’t care about anything but getting Alec back,” Mia screams. Straightening her back, the look she gives Jed would make a lesser man crumble.

“Understandable, but we still have orders to follow. It would be best to continue with your plans as though nothing has happened. Go meet your parents for dinner and take Mr. Birch and Mr. Blake with you.”

Looking about two seconds away from launching herself at Jed, Mia hisses, “Their names are Kas, Alec, and Coen. They’re not just a job. They’re my everything.”

“Apologies, Miss—Mia. I meant nothing by it. We will continue searching for Alec, but you must carry on with your plans.”

“But I—”

Kas interrupts Mia before she can continue arguing with Jed. “He’s right, sweets. The more divided we are, the harder it will be to keep everyone safe. You don’t want your parents harmed, and it’s easier for us to monitor them if we’re together. Martin already has people stationed to keep an eye on Jewell and Reid, but the more we split up, the more it’s likely that something slips through the cracks.”

Even though Kas is speaking to Mia, I feel like it’s aimed at me, too. I know he’s right. I know it’s the logical way of doing things. But fuck… My brother is not just missing, I’m the one who failed him. The last thing I want to do is have dinner with anyone while we exchange pleasantries about nothing.

There’s a steady knock on our door, and Jed immediately throws it open to reveal Whistler.

“Jed, take Gaby to our room.” That’s all Whistler says before entering our room.

Tags: Emilia Hartley Erotic