Page 98 of Saint

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“We’ll revisit that when the time feels right for both of us,” I suggest.

She moves back slightly so she can see into my eyes. “I’m sorry you got punched today, Saint.”

I huff out a laugh. “He wanted to even the score. He got a punch in and a few choice words about me, but in the end, he’s still the same guy I knew from high school. Leon was the one who called the police. They took us both in, but ultimately I decided not to press any charges. We don’t need that guy in our lives anymore.”

“I don’t know how I ever thought he was right for me.”

I inch her chin up with my fingers. “Don’t question yourself. Maybe when you met him, he seemed like the right guy because of who you were at the time. You’ve matured since then. You’ve grown. You’re this kick ass woman with a better sense of who you are now. The past is the past, Calliope.”

She nods.

“Speaking of the past,” I carefully broach the subject I’ve wanted to since I realized she’s carrying a burden. “I’m going to put this out there one last time, but I know what you’ll say. You’re going to…”

“Pay Dagen back on my own,” she interrupts. “I have to, Sean. I know you’d clear that for me today, but I have to do it myself. I hope you understand that.”

I do, so I tell her as much. “I get it, Champ.”

Her gaze trails from my face to something behind me. “Mrs. Sweeney bought me a camera. It’s a trade, actually. The camera for the framed print she likes and another print of her grandmother’s tea shop.”

I steal a glance over my shoulder to spot a camera box. “That’s fantastic.”

“One of my dreams was to have a show at the gallery I took you to.” Her eyes stare into mine. “If I save some of my tips from the bar, I can afford to frame more of my photographs and have an exhibit opening night that people will flock to.”

I see the wheels churning as she envisions what that would be like.

“I think I could sell photographs of my favorite places in the city,” she whispers as if she’s testing out the validity of the idea. “If I do that, I’ll have the debt cleared well before I thought I would.”

I still want to pay it off myself, but I won’t do that. I can’t. I respect her too much to go against what she wants.

“I’ll help with that,” I offer. “I’ll be your photography assistant.”

“You’d be my assistant?” She laughs. “How would that work exactly?”

“I’ll ride the subway with you to all your shoots.” I skim my lips over her cheek in search of the soft flesh of her neck. “I’ll help you frame the photographs, and I’ve got some serious skill when it comes to a hammer and nails, so I’m the ideal guy to help with setting up the exhibit.”

She lets out a little moan when my lips reach the base of her neck.

“I’ll spread the word about your work,” I murmur. “Everyone in this city will know that my future fiancée has an upcoming exhibit.”

“The leap from girlfriend to future fiancée happened fast,” she says.

“It’s never too fast when you know you’ve met the one for you,” I tell her as I circle the tip of my tongue on her collarbone. “You’re the one for me, Champ.”

“You’re the one for me.” The words come out wrapped in a purr. “You’re my forever, Saint.”

“You are my forever,” I say clearly and passionately, as I continue my path down her body. “My always and forever.”


3 MonthsLater


I don’t knowif fate or luck’s light is shining on me tonight, but everything is lined up as straight as an arrow.

I’ve been planning this night for weeks.

Not only is it opening night for Calliope’s photography exhibition, but it’s also the night I pop the question to the love of my life.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Billionaire Romance