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She bats a hand over mine. “It’s typical Sean. When he announced he would be the model, I admit I wasn’t on board until his shirt came off.”

She fans a hand in front of her face.

I glance at the open door to the conference room we’re sitting in. It was her idea to sneak in here for our first official meeting. I was grateful because the cubicle she assigned me is sandwiched between two others.

My new co-workers seem great, but they’ve already built a rapport with one another and, so far, I’ve felt like a third wheel. It’s only my second day on the job, so I know I’ll find my place in time.

“Declan wants us to come up with something new and fresh for the winter campaign.” She rolls her eyes. “I’ve been doing this a very long time, and there are only so many ways you can push a pair of underwear at the world.”

I smile. “I can jot down a few ideas if that would be helpful.”

It’s a tentative way of injecting myself into the middle of planning the upcoming campaign. Delora mentioned the campaign briefly during my interview, but it hasn’t come up since.

I know I’m the newest member of the marketing team, but I feel I have a lot to offer, so I’ll remind my boss of that every chance I get.

“That would be very helpful.” She drops her gaze to her phone’s screen. “We’ll have a brainstorming session next week. Everyone is welcome to toss out any ideas that pop into their heads.”

Excitement nips at me.

I plan on starting on a list of ideas right away.

“I want you to take a look at our social media accounts this week, “ she says. “I know there is room for improvement there.”

“I’ll get started on that today.”

“Are you free for dinner tonight?” she asks with a smile.

I’m going to hop on the subway headed to Queens after work to have dinner with my sister and her kids. Harlan is working late, so I volunteered to drop by to help prepare dinner and read bedtime stories.

“I’m only asking because when I mentioned to Sean that I wanted to take you out for a welcome aboard dinner, he mumbled that he thinks you have a date.” She laughs. “I don’t know how he would know that. He’s not a mind reader.”

I didn’t realize Sean was paying that much attention this morning when I told him I had plans after work. It’s amusing that he assumed those plans involve a date.

I glance at Delora. Something tells me that if I give her a detailed accounting of where I’m going after work, she’ll report that back to Sean.

My personal life is none of his business, so I nod. “I do have plans tonight. I’m free tomorrow night if you are.”

Her face brightens with a wide smile. “I’m free as a bird. I’ll make a reservation for tomorrow night after work.”

“Works for me,” I say.

She pushes back from the table. “I think you’re going to be a perfect fit for Wells, Callie.”

I take that as a good sign.

“I’ll get to work on looking over the social media accounts.” I move to stand too. “Thank you for giving me this chance, Delora.”

She starts toward the conference room door. “There was something about your interview that stuck with me. Before you walked out the door, I knew that you would be my pick.”

I take pride in that.

I couldn’t have anticipated that I’d be living next door to my boss, but that’s temporary. There’s a chance I can build a long-lasting career here at Wells. I want that, so I need to stay committed to doing the very best job I can.

* * *

“Shut the front door.”Naomi’s eyes widen. “You’re telling me that the hottie that lives next door to Grady is the underwear model?”

I knew having a glass of wine was a bad idea.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Billionaire Romance