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Awesome, thanks for bringing attention to me, asshole. I pick up my pace a bit and when I finally make it back to my cell, I let out a sigh of relief. My roommate doesn’t talk to me, but he also hasn’t killed me, so that’s a bonus.

I lay down on the hard as hell bed and stare up at the bottom of the bunk above me. I don’t close my eyes, even when the lights go off and the cell door is closed. Not until I hear my roommate snoring. Even then, I wait a good hour before I let myself doze off. I’ve probably only gotten four hours of sleep in the past few days and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

My thoughts drift to Gillian and my body aches. I miss her more than I’ve ever missed someone in my life. I’m worried about how she’s holding up and how the club is helping her. She’s young and never been through anything like this before. She needs to feel loved and supported. She has to know that she’ll come out of this with or without me.


Christ, these guards are annoying as hell. It seems every time I start to feel a bit of tension release, they come looking for me.

I climb out of the bed and nod my head. “What’s up?”

“Your lawyer is here.”

I follow him to the private room and when the door closes behind me, I sigh. I spin around and slam my hands down on the table. “When the fuck am I getting out of here?”

“I’m working on it, Riley. This agent is a real prick,” he says.

I pull out the chair and sit down. “No shit.”

“Well, they want to have a meeting with you,” he says.

I laugh as he passes me a cigarette. “They want to see if I’ll rat?”

He nods and looks down at his paperwork. “That’s my guess.”

“I don’t need the meeting. I’ll never fucking turn against my club,” I say, taking a long drag of my smoke.

“I tried and the best I could do was tell them I’ll be present.” He looks up at me as he pushes his glasses up. “If you tell them something, anything, it’ll make getting you out of here easier.”

I laugh as I finish my smoke. “Nope.”

He sighs and puts his pen down. “Riley, sometimes you need to bend a little.”

I lean over the table and stare him down. “No one bends unless they are willing to break. I will not fucking break,” I hiss.

He shakes his head and picks up his pen. “Fine. They’ll be in here soon, so try at the very least not to get another charge.”

I shrug as I put my cigarette out. “No promises.”

He continues to scribble things down as we wait for the feds to come in. I scrub my face and run my hands through my hair. “Everything good with the club and my girl?”

“As far as I’m aware,” he comments, keeping his focus on his papers.

“You’re really good at keeping my rage in check, you know that?” I growl.

He glances up at me and nods. “Gillian and the club are fine. They are more worried about how you’re doing.”

“Please, tell Gillian I’m good. Tell her that I’m coming home to her and that I love her. Make sure she knows no one has fucked with me. She’s gotta know that,” I rush out.

He scribbles down what I said and tucks it into his jacket pocket, patting it. “I’ll head there after I leave here.”

I blow out a breath as I nod. “Thanks.”

The door bursts open and I sit up straighter. Let’s do this fuckers.

“Mr. Giddens, Mr. Smith. I’m Federal Agent Burke,” he says, pulling out a chair to sit down.

“Nice to meet you,” my kiss ass lawyer says.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance