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“Is this really necessary?” I ask for the tenth time.

Zane wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. “I told you it is. It’ll be fun.” I lift an eyebrow and he laughs. “Okay it won’t be fun, but it’ll be a distraction.”

He won’t tell me what was said last night. I want to push, but I know better. Since everyone is coming over, I know he made amends with his club. It’s my club I’m worried about. That’s why I think this barbecue is a ridiculous idea. The weight of the world is crushing me and I’m told to smile and pretend. Sadly, I know all too well how to do it.

Ivy is still here, she slept on the couch again. She’s nervous about today, but I told her to relax and enjoy herself. If she has a shot at wanting to get with Kace, she’s got to get them to like her. I’ll introduce her and stay by her as much as possible. I’m not going to feed her to the wolves. Plus, if I’m right, I think Kace will be right there with her. It makes me smile and I kinda hope they make a go at it. It would be nice to have her around all the time.

“Harper, can you help me?” Ivy calls from the bathroom.

I kiss Zane’s cheek before going to see what she needs. “What’s up?”

“Do I need more makeup? Is this outfit alright?” she questions.

I smile and look her over. She has on tight jeans, ripped in places. Her dark blue shirt has one arm and the other is bare. Her makeup is a little darker than normal,

but not overwhelming. She finishes it off with her long blonde hair in loose curls around her head. “Ivy, you look beautiful.”

She visibly relaxes and shakes her head.

After a few hours, the barbecue is in full swing. The drinks are flowing, the food is eaten, and the laughs are loud. I’ve been with Zane, Ivy, and Kace most of the time. Zane doesn’t want me far from him. He’s constantly touching me in some way. Maybe a reminder that I’m still here or that he is. I really don’t know. After last night, I think it could be both.

He’s limping today, but otherwise showing no signs of pain. I’ve asked several times, but he cuts me off with a kiss each time. I’m not complaining though.

“I’ll be right back,” he whispers.

He goes with Kace and I grab Ivy’s hand. “Come on, we’re going to sit with the women.”

“Shit,” she whispers, squeezing my hand.

I laugh as we walk over. “Ivy and I are gonna sit,” I say.

Gloria looks her up and down, sipping on her beer. Adalyn smiles. It’s Nora who makes me laugh. “You look like you’re about to shit your pants, sweetheart. Relax, we don’t burn our club name into you the first day we meet you.”

“Nora, stop it,” Adalyn laughs. “Give us the details.”

“Oh umm, alright. I grew up here and I’m a waitress,” Ivy begins.

All three laugh and I fight mine by biting my cheek. “We know who you are, sweetheart. We mean, tell us what’s going on with you and Kace,” Nora says.

I widen my eyes and look at them. “I think that’s not something even in the talks yet,” I say.

“Can she not answer for herself?” Gloria asks.

They are purposely being bitches. I don’t fucking like it. They are making her see them as the nasty, scary women she thought they were.

“I can speak for myself. There’s nothing to tell. We’re kinda friends,” she says with a shrug.

“Kinda friends?” Nora questions, blowing smoke in our direction.

“I don’t know what you want me to say. Do you want me to lie and say we’re something we aren’t? Do you want me to lie and say we’re more than friends? I have no place here, I sure as hell am not welcome, but I’m not gonna lie either.”

I smile with pride. I didn’t know she had it in her. “Fuck yeah,” I say.

They start laughing and I roll my eyes. Of course it was a test and she passed. Bitches. “Oh we really like you,” Nora says.

After a half hour I go inside to use the bathroom and I stop when I hear Zane in the kitchen.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance