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“Fuck, no. He’s not dead. If anyone is dying tonight it’s your father. I’m sorry,” Porter says.

The sobs are tearing through me, making it hard to stand. “I’m not,” I manage to get out. After a few minutes I calm myself enough to be able to speak again. “I need to talk to him. I need to hear his voice.”

Porter pulls out his phone and walks away. I stare at his back as I feel Finn’s eyes boring into the side of my head. I ignore him though and wait on Porter. I need to tell him to come home. I need to know he’s coming home.

“Do you want some coffee or something?” Finn quietly asks.

“No,” I rush out.

“I’m sorry, Harper. We’re just making sure you’re safe.”

I turn to look at him and I see his sorrow. “I know, Finn. I fucking hate you for it right this minute, but I know.”

Porter grabs his phone and holds it to his ear. I didn’t think my eyes had any more tears left, but they prove me wrong and roll down my face. He turns around and walks toward me, handing me the phone.

My hand is shaking as I grab it from him. “Zane?” I scream.

“Babe, relax. Take a deep breath and listen to me.” His voice is so calm, so reassuring.

“Come home, please. I can’t lose you,” I sob.

He’s quiet for a second and I’m about to scream when he clears his throat. “Harper, you aren’t going to lose me. I told you to trust me, you need to do that. I’m coming home.”

“Please, baby,” I cry.

“Fuck, you’re killing me here, babe. I’ll be home soon, please believe me. I need to go, but I’ll be home soon. I fucking love you.”

“I love you,” I sob as the line goes dead.

I throw the phone at Porter and run to the bathroom. Everything I’ve ever eaten in my life comes up. I stay against the toilet far longer than I should, especially with Porter and Finn at the door. I finally come out and push past them. It’s not their fault this is happening, but I need to take it out on someone.

I sit down on the couch and pull my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. “I’m gonna lose him,” I whisper, as one last tear rolls down my cheek.

Chapter 21


After I hang up with Harper, I’m fucking gutted. I don’t even know the girl that I just talked to. Harper has always been so strong, so determined, so fierce. She never let emotions get the best of her, hell, she buried them. She was a force to be reckoned with. But, the girl I just talked to, she’s broken. Her emotions are tearing her apart. She sounds defeated, beaten, destroyed.

Over the last few hours shit has gotten worse. I was ready to lock everyone down, get ready for war, but Brooks is against me. When they all got to my house, I was certain we’d all be on the same page. It wasn’t the case. Half the club was for it, half wasn’t. Brooks said it ultimately comes down that Harper and me are the ones in danger. We’re the ones Kingsley wants. He doesn’t want to put everyone on edge. I tried to fight it, because it’s not really just us. Homes that had nothing to do with us were broken into. Still, not everyone saw it my way.

So, here we sit. Watching Club Kingsley with our dicks in our hands. It’s a fucking joke. He’s not just going to walk outside alone and give us enough time to grab him. He’s smart. The only thing this is doing is giving him more time to find Harper. Although, I’m sure he already knows exactly where she is.

This shit needs to be over, because the girl I’m going home to, she needs closure. I need to make sure that the way she is feeling right now, like her life is crumbling apart, doesn’t happen again.

“Z,” Kace says, hitting my arm. “What do you wanna do here?”

I light a cigarette and laugh. “Not really my call, brother. Doesn’t seem anyone wants this like me.”

“That’s bullshit,” he hisses.

I lift an eyebrow and blow smoke over his shoulder. “Is it?

We should be blowing his shit up, not sitting here like a bunch of pussies,” I growl. I throw my smoke down and look around. “What’s the point of this?”

“I don’t know, maybe we should go and regroup,” he suggests. “I know Harper would like to see you right about now.”

It shouldn’t piss me off. I know it’s not his intention, but I’m on edge. I’m pissed at this wasted night and at my club. So, when he says it, I snap. “You don’t know shit about Harper. You want to regroup, fucking go. Sit at the table with them and talk in fucking circles. I’ll do what needs to be done.”

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance