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After replaying the conversation, word for word, Zane goes back to the guys. He doesn’t leave me this time. He has me sitting at a table with Finn looking on. I wanted to refuse to give him my phone, but I knew in the end he’d get it anyway. Whether I gave it to him or he took it. It just wasn’t worth the fight.

Knowing they are all in there talking about how to kill my father is numbing. I feel nothing. I have no remorse, no anger, no regrets. If I’ve learned anything the last few weeks, it’s that my father is the true enemy. He’s the purest form of evil and he’ll destroy anything in his path.

I rest my head down and like a movie, pieces of my life start flashing through my mind. It’s the good parts, the parts before everything around me was sinful. It’s my mother smiling at me. Her tender eyes, her soft touch, her loving arms. I remember playing outside, splashing in the pool, sleeping under the stars. She never left me. She slept in my bed. She always held me close. She was never more than two steps away. I remember yelling. She never yelled, but she was screaming. I was scared because she wasn’t in my bed. I cried. She begged.

I jump up and knock my water over. Finn comes rushing over and my hand flies to my mouth. The tears are unstoppable.

He killed her.

Chapter 19


When Finn came rushing into the room, he almost got himself shot. When he told us what happened, I ran to her side. I can’t tell her I had a feeling that’s what happened. She’s got enough going on, but I remember listening to my mom, Gloria, and Nora talking. I was young, but I remember them saying they thought Kingsley killed her. There were only rumors so I never said anything, but her memory seems pretty clear. Her mother did everything to protect her from Kingsley. She knew what his plans were for their daughter and she died trying to protect her.

Every new thing I learn makes me wish we’d killed him years ago. I know the damage to Harper was already done, but she would’ve moved on. With me.

She’s asleep now, in my arms. She cried and begged me to stay. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, but I guess she just needs the reassurance.

We discussed our plan, which I will tell Harper. We’re going to move everyone to the new Souls location. It’s not known to anyone and they’ll be safe. We are going to go in, guns drawn, and kill everyone until we reach Kingsley. He’s mine. I will torture him, make him beg for his life, before I rip his heart out.

The only thing we need to find out is when he’ll be back. We are sitting on his club day and night, but nothing yet. Alex is trying to get a track off Harper’s phone, so I’m hoping we have some luck. I don’t want to cause Harper more problems, but I need to ask her about her past. I need to know about ex’s. They could be a link to the notes. No one is talking and I need fucking answers. I need to know about the notes and the break-ins. But the most important thing is to keep Harper safe.

The look on her face when she talked to her father and the sadness when she remembered her mother, it shredded my heart. She’s my number one priority. I will kill everyone in the way of her safety and happiness.

A light knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. “Yeah?” I whisper.

Alex opens the door and closes it quietly behind him. He leans against the dresser, crossing his arms. “How is she?” he asks, lifting his chin to Harper.

“A fucking mess.” I tighten my hold on her, hoping she can feel me in her sleep. “What did you find out?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing. Kingsley must’ve removed everything from his phone. He’s not fucking stupid. I mean odds are it was a burner he tossed anyway.”

I expected as much, but it was worth a try. “I can’t leave her alone. Get Kace to bring Ivy here. It’s better than just Finn staring at her. Not until I talk to her though, see if I can find out anything.”

He nods and leaves the room as quietly as he entered.

“What do you need to talk about?” Harper asks.

“Shit, I didn’t mean to wake you, babe,” I say, kissing her head.

She clears her throat and sits up next to me. “You didn’t, I was awake before Alex came in. So talk because honestly I want this fucking day over with.”

I fucking hate this for her, but we need answers. “We still have no idea on who left the notes. So I need to know about your ex’s. Who they are, how it ended, if they are jealous,” I say, trying to just get it over with for her.

She laughs and it sounds hollow. She shakes her head and drops her face in her hands, letting out a murderous scream. When she’s done, she jumps out of the bed and starts pacing. “So let’s see, in first grade there was that kid, John, remember him? He was cute, but cried a lot. Never took him to be the jealous type. Second grade though, Ryan, that kid had anger. Definitely put him on the list. Third grade was a tough year, with my dad murdering my mom and all. But fourth grade..”

“Stop, Harper, come on, babe. That’s not what I meant,” I plead.

“Oh it’s not? You didn’t just say you wanted to know about my ex’s?” She stops pacing and locks her unreadable eyes with mine. “I’m ripped open, spilling the blood of my past. Everything I’m ashamed of, everything that was just

for me to know. I have nothing left. My father and Shattered Souls have every last piece of me.” She closes her eyes briefly before stepping closer to me. “I had fuck buddies, that’s it. Most of them didn’t even know who I was. They sure as fuck wouldn’t have the balls to threaten me. If you want names, I’ll give you the one I know. Zane Madden.” She pulls the door open and slams it behind her.

“Fuck,” I growl.

By the time I catch up to her, she’s throwing back a shot. “Oh do you need a list of my drinks too?”

“Enough,” I snap. I grab her elbow and pull her away from the bar. “You have every right to be pissed and take it out on me. But don’t for one second think that anything I do isn’t out of pure love for you. I can’t keep you safe and not know what’s out there. I’m sorry it feels like I’ve ripped you open, but fuck, let me put you back together. Don’t pull away. We’re gonna get through this, alright?”

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance