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He’s meeting with the realtor again? I focus on him, watching the way his eyes are averting everyone else’s. He’s a lying piece of shit.

“We saw a few of Kingsley’s guys, it looked like they were heading to the airport. I think maybe it’s time to make our move on Club Kingsley,” Reid says.

My eyes fly to Kace’s and he gives me a slight shake of his head, silently telling me to shut up.

“Picking up a drop off at the airport?” Porter questions.

“No way, that doesn’t make any sense. They aren’t that careless and they’d never leave the club completely unattended. There are innocents there,” Alex says.

I’m fucking confused and about to say just that when Brooks sits forward. “Maybe we should interfere with the shipment,” he says, a grin starting to spread across his face.

“And if they aren’t on their way to the airport? If it’s not a shipment they are getting?” I question.

“We figured with most of them out of Club Kingsley, we can get in, try to find something and get out,” Kace says.

“It’s too risky,” Brooks says, shaking his head.

“That’s too risky, but trying to steal their drugs isn’t?” Reid hisses.

“What would you want to do that for anyway? We’re pussy, not drugs,” Alex says.

I look at Kace and he narrows his eyes at Brooks. Something is going on and I’m gonna find out what.

“What the fuck is going on? Brooks and Enzo are meeting with the realtor almost daily now. Who’s the realtor?” I ask, lighting a smoke.

It’s dead quiet, no one moves and I swear no one is breathing. I’m obviously not the only one with questions.

Brooks stands and leans his hands on the table. “What the fuck are you trying to ask?”

I laugh and slowly stand. “Are you doing shit that wasn’t voted on?”

He lunges across the table and grabs me by my collar. I swing and connect with his jaw, pushing him off and he hits the wall. He comes at me, but Enzo grabs him and Kace grabs me.

“Enough,” Enzo yells. “You two have been at each other’s throats for months now. Cut the fucking shit.”

“This club is nothing if we don’t have honesty,” I hiss.

“You’re right, it’s not. But there’s no secret shit going on. Everything that happens in the club is voted on. Nothing happens outside these walls that you or anyone else isn’t aware of. The hate you have for your uncle needs to end, he’s the fucking president,” Enzo says.

I look around the room and everyone is standing. I push Kace off of me and straighten my shirt. “So, what the fuck is going on?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m with Z on this one. Shit has been off, we need answers,” Reid says.

“Sit,” Brooks yells, violently yanking his chair back up from the floor. “I would never do anything without a vote, if you are questioning that, you are questioning my leadership. Enzo and I have been working our asses off to try and get this business another location. We keep getting the run around. The realtor will send us to one location and it’s an empty lot. Next time it’s in the middle of the fucking desert. One time it was a drug house. It’s pissing me off and I’m trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. I don’t trust her. She’s on someone else’s payroll and we were trying to figure out who,” Brooks explains.

“Son of a bitch,” Alex whispers.

“Fuck,” Kace says.

“So why not tell us?” Porter asks. I look to him and nod. It’s exactly what I was thinking.

When I turn back to Brooks, he looks to Enzo who lifts an eyebrow. “Christ,” Brooks whispers and looks directly at me. “I blamed you, alright? I told Enzo that I was sure Harper had something to do with it. I really thought she was sending us around to make us look like assholes.”

My blood boils and my hands fist on the table. “But now?” I ask through clenched teeth.

“We followed the realtor, she dropped something in the mail. We waited until she left and grabbed it. It was a letter written to her ex-husband, telling him how she’s got the Shattered Souls by the balls and is going to take us down. We looked into it and guess who it was? Fucking Axel Bishop,” Enzo explains.

We all start to laugh and finally Brooks is a little more like his normal asshole self. I think of Axel Bishop. He was a member and left because Brooks threatened to beat his ass for not wanting to do things with us. He thought we would just sit around, drink, and get pussy. Once he realized it was more than that, he left. Scared, he moved out of state. Obviously we know where, but he’s no threat. His ex-wife was probably trying to get him back or some shit. But with the realization, a bit of weight is lifted off my shoulders.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance