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“Are we sure it’s Kingsley?” I ask.

“Who the fuck else would it be?” Kace asks.

We have other enemies. Many others. It could be anyone. I don’t say it though, it’s Alex who does. “We stole guns from the Dark Angels, we ran off Raging Devils for selling drugs downtown, we’re trying to buy another location. I mean fuck, maybe we need to expand our judgement.”

“Those pussy ass wanna be drug dealers wouldn’t have the balls to do this. Stealing guns from the Angels, that could be a possibility,” Porter says.

“Get fucking eyes and ears out there. See what we can find out,” Brooks says. “Enzo and I need to go talk to the realtor, we’ll meet back here at six, see what everyone comes up with. Press the right fucking people, we don’t need this shit right now.”

Everyone gets up and I stay seated. “We need to talk.”

“This is becoming a habit, Z,” he says, annoyance clear on his hard face.

I blow smoke in his direction and he growls. “Didn’t we have a deal?”

He raises his eyebrows in confusion. “About?”

“Harper,” I say, leaning closer.

“I don’t have time for your bullshit, Z, get to the fucking point,” he says, through clenched teeth.

“You promised to treat her like my old lady. Staring at her the way you did at my mom’s house, I should knock your teeth in,” I seethe.

He slowly stands and gets closer to my face. “Watch who you’re talking to, boy. I’d look at her like that even if she was your old lady. I don’t fucking trust her. You think she’s not behind what went down? She’s as guilty as he is. Get the information from her and get her out of my fucking club. I want this asshole taken down by the time he gets back. I don’t fucking care how you do it, get me what I need.” His eyes are cold and hold a promise of something, something I’ve never seen before.

“She had nothing to do with it. She’s terrified of her father, of you, of the whole situation. She trusts no one, especially him. If it was him, which I have my fucking doubts, she didn’t know. I’ll get what we need, but I’ll get it on my time. You wanted this, this was your idea. You don’t like seeing her here, go home to your fucking wife.”

I feel it before I even realize it. He punches me right in my jaw, grabbing onto my shirt. “I will fucking end you.”

I laugh a humorless laugh and push him off me. “What the fuck is going on with you?”

He grabs his cut off the chair and storms out.

I meet Kace in the hallway and he eyes the reddening on my face. “Something is up with him. He’s acting worse than normal,” I hiss, rubbing my jaw.

We watch him talk to Enzo and after a few minutes they both leave. I’m getting sick of them and their hidden conversations. That’s not how this club works. Seems they have forgotten the rules.

“Come on, let's see if we can find anything out,” Kace says, slapping my shoulder.

We’ve pushed on everyone I can think of and come up short. Nothing makes sense. I have a bad feeling about it all, so when we pull into Souls, I tell Kace to follow me. Unlocking the door to the room, according to Harper, I spend too much time in, we walk inside.

“Shit doesn’t add up,” I hiss at Kace.

He lights a smoke and leans against the dresser. “Break it down for me.”

I look at him and sit down on the bed. “Kingsley wouldn’t hide, so why the masks? If it had to do with Harper, why go after others? But, we pressed everyone today and there’s nothing. There’s no talk of shit. And I’m sick of Brooks and Enzo running off like pussies all the time. They keep me out of shit and that’s not how it’s supposed to go.”

“Look, I don’t know what the fuck Brooks and Enzo are up to. They didn’t bring anything to the table so maybe it’s just you. Maybe you are seeing shit that isn’t there. I mean, logically, this is Kingsley. It’s more than likely a new approach at throwing us off. It’s about the clubs, brother. You’re overthinking it because of Harper,” he says, lifting an eyebrow.

I shake my head, running my hands through my hair. “She doesn’t have anything to do with it. She was out of her fucking mind. You saw it. If it is Kingsley, she has nothing to do with it,” I whisper, losing the battle inside me.

“I never said she did, you’re saying that,” he returns, crossing his arms and watching me carefully.


Chapter 10


Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance