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Anger boils inside of me as I stand there looking between them. “Go to New York. Pick up your next shipment. Maybe get your dicks sucked while you’re at it.”

The punch I feel knocks me back into the wall. It’s not my father this time though, it’s Dom. I should’ve known since it was a punch. He’s fucking dead. “Don’t ever talk club business away from the table again, you entitled bitch.”

I lunge at him, but my dad holds me back. “Enough,” he yells. He spins me around to look at him. “Your business is this club. Nothing else. Don’t talk about shit you don’t know and don’t ever talk about my dick again.”

“It’s only my business when you use me as payment, right dear old Dad?” I retort, staring right into his dark eyes.

This time the slap I feel is from him. Not once, but several times. He keeps me pressed against the wall by my throat, searching my eyes with his angry ones. “You need to remember who the fuck you’re talking to.” He slaps me again for good measure, his ring drawing blood on my cheek before he turns away. My face is burning with pain, but I get a bit of satisfaction when his fist connects with Dom’s jaw. “Keep your hands off my daughter.”

I go back onto the floor and ask Linda to cover for me. She knows how to do everything and I have no worries about leaving her in charge. I sit in my car and when I see my father,

Dom, and the rest of the guys leave, I do too. I drive home and once I walk inside, I let my anger take over. I knock everything off the counters, glass breaks everywhere, papers fly, and my morning coffee drips down the cabinets. I look at the mess and go into the bathroom to shower. I have no doubt I’m going to be swollen and bruised in a few hours, so I’m hoping the shower helps keep the swelling down at least. I’m used to being smacked around by my father, but Dom? That piece of shit is going to get his. I’ll kill him myself.

Once I’m done in the shower, I do my hair and makeup. My face is a mess already, but I’m not letting it stop me. I slide on my favorite jeans and black long sleeve shirt that falls off my shoulder. When I look at myself I wish my face wasn’t showing signs of my life, but I walk out of my room. I grab my cell phone and call my friend, Ivy. We’ve been friends as long as Zane and I have. She went to school with us and even though she wasn’t a part of the MC life, she was accepting of it. She’s a waitress in town and makes shit money. I offered her a job, not stripping, but waitressing. She wouldn’t take it though. It’s not something she wants to be mixed up in. I understand, just like she does.

“Hey, Harp, how are you?” she answers.

“Been better, Ivy. What are you doing?” I ask.

“I’m just getting off, why what’s up?”

I hear her car door close and smile. “Can you meet me?”

Twenty minutes later, we meet at the bar she used to work at. I get out of my BMW and she gets out of her Honda. As soon as she sees me, the smile on her face fades. “What the hell happened?”

“Life sweetheart. That’s why I’m here,” I say. She folds her arms and nods for me to continue. “How would you like to drive the BMW for a while?”

She laughs before lighting a smoke. “You want them to run me off the road instead of you?”

“Fuck, I’d never put you in danger, Ivy. I just want to fly under the radar for a couple weeks. No one is going to do anything, they’ll just see my car driving around. I told my father I was having some girl time. They’ll just think it’s at your place,” I explain.

“You just want me to drive it around. Take it to work and when I need to run errands?”

“Exactly,” I say.

She chews her lip, a nervous habit she has. Nothing will happen to her. Sal just needs to see it around from time to time. That fat asshole doesn’t care about anything but trying to bang as many strippers as he can. He’ll just see it and tell my father I’m around and out of trouble. I’d never put her in danger. I just need time away and I can’t do it with a tail.

“What happens if they see me?” she asks.

“They’ll call me and ask why you’re driving my car. Don’t worry, I promise you, I’d never do anything to put you in harm's way.” I blow out a breath and decide to tell her the truth. “I need to see Zane and I can’t park my car at his club. Do you understand?”

Her smile returns and she drops her cigarette. “Are you two finally getting back together?”

“It’s complicated, but I need to see where it’s going. So what do you say?” I push.

She tosses me her keys and I grab them with a grin. “Take it. Go find love.”

I hug her before handing her my keys. “Thank you, Ivy. If you need me just call.”

We both pull away and I laugh when I look at her driving my car. She looks too excited. Although, it may resemble the excitement I feel or maybe it’s nerves. I’m not sure at this point. But, as I drive to Souls, my heart is pounding in my chest.

I pull into the parking lot and sit in the car for a while. I’m a confident woman, extremely comfortable in any situation. I can hold my own, even if my face says differently. But, the thought of walking into Souls and having his club, his uncle, take their revenge out on me, keeps me in the car. Zane said I needed to trust him and I do, but there are so many ways this could go bad. I know they’re all pissed about Club Kingsley. I would be too, if it were the other way around. I’m just not certain they know it was my idea.

After about a half hour, I decide it’s now or never. Zane has no idea I’m coming, but that’s how it needs to be. I need to see if what he said is the truth. If they’re going to be alright with us together, me here. Not to mention, I haven’t seen Zane and I have no idea what is going on behind these walls. I walk up to the door and pull it open. When I step inside, I’m impressed with how good it looks. I haven’t been inside since I was a kid and it didn’t look anything like this. It’s comparable to mine. It’s clean, the lighting is decent, and the crowd is really great. The girls are familiar and I want to run out of there. My goddamn father. He’s taking their talent. Fuck.

I’m suddenly pulled aside. I yank my arm away and look over at Kace. “Fuck, Kace.”

“What the hell are you doing, Harper?” he hisses.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance