Page 11 of If the Shoe Fits

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Chapter Six

My dress fell away in waves as Leo easily found the fastenings through the fabric. It was only after a moment or two I realised that Enrique had probably designed it that way. Though he'd likely done it with the plans of making it easier for me to remove it at the end of the night, not when I was getting undressed on the floor of a random room in the palace.

Still. I didn't care. There was something about this moment I couldn't deny, even if the two of us were moving far quicker than I ever had before. And far quicker than I'd ever been comfortable with.

"Are you sure about this, Sadie?" Leo asked as my corset fell away, leaving me just wearing a strapless bra and my skirts.

"Yes," I responded, leaning in to kiss him hungrily.

That seemed to be all the confirmation he needed as he pulled me to him and took me with a ferocity I'd never experienced before. And definitely wanted to again.

My hands flew to his shirt, finding he'd already began unbuttoning himself. I smiled into our kiss. I did like a man who'd help do the job himself.

Our clothing fell away into heaps on the floor, neither of us caring about the mess, or about the wrinkles which would surely make themselves known. For my part, I could just disappear after this, satisfied in the knowledge I'd done what I came here for. He seemed to be a guest here. I assumed he'd be able to just pop back to his room and freshen up.

Our naked skin slid against one another as we came together, our kiss still searing and passionate.

A hand skated up the outside of my leg and I knew it would only be a few moments before he slipped it inwards and towards where I really wanted it to be. I thought about begging but decided I didn't need to. He was as into this as I was, so I had no doubts that we'd go where I wanted to.

As if reading my thoughts, Leo slipped his hand inwards, skating it against my clit. I moaned loudly. I'd never been so sensitive before, not even when I was on my own, doing things exactly how I liked them.

He sunk his fingers into me, curling them upwards and hitting the spot only I knew about. I gasped loudly, breaking the kiss. Leo took full advantage of that and trailed kisses over my jaw and down my neck, nibbling gently as he went and driving me closer to the edge.

I'd never come just from fingers alone, but I was damned close. If anyone could manage it, then it would be Leo.

His lips caught around one of my nipples and he tugged it lightly with his teeth. Pure pleasure raked through my body and straight to my clit. Without even touching it, he was managing to make me feel so alive.

Changing his focus to my other nipple, he repeated the movements, only serving to excite me more. I didn't know how I knew, but something within me was certain about what he was going to do next.

He left my nipples, both of them stinging slightly from the scrape of his teeth against them, and continued his path down my body, kissing and nibbling as he went.

I sucked in a breath as I waited, anticipation thrumming through me and hard to ignore. I glanced down my body, meeting his eyes as he watched me.

Neither of us said a word. There was no need for any. He could read my body as well as I could, I didn't need to give him instructions.

He blew hot air across my sensitive skin and I shivered in response. His fingers still moved inside me, making it impossible for me to ignore him. Not that I wanted to.

Slowly, he lowered his head and took my clit into his mouth, sucking and circling his tongue around it.

All thought flew from my mind. There wasn't space for anything but pure pleasure and sensation. He was setting me on fire unlike anyone ever had. It took mere moments for it to become too much. Throwing my head back, I let out a long low moan as shudders wracked my body and my vision went black.

As I came back down to earth, I was aware of Leo crawling back up my body, a smug expression on his face. He leaned down and kissed me. I responded, sort of. I wasn't able to do much more than the token effort.

A few more moments rest was all I needed before want bubbled up inside me. His fingers and tongue were one thing, but they weren't all I wanted. Nor were they all I needed.

Slipping my hand down between us, I wrapped it around his cock. He groaned in response, his weight falling on me ever so slightly as the pressure of what I was doing took over. Satisfaction at his response grew inside me. I liked the reaction he was having. A lot. It was winding me up tighter all over again. There was something electrifying about being with him.

I pushed the thought away. Now wasn't the time or place to think about it. Not with my hand wrapped around his cock and the two of us naked and risking it all in a random room of the palace.

There was no way I'd admit it aloud, but the threat of being caught was definitely adding to my excitement. I'd never thought of myself as an exhibitionist before.

"Sadie," he groaned.

"Leo," I replied, barely getting my words out as I stroked along his hardness. "Do you have a condom?" I murmured, hoping he'd say yes. I wouldn't be able to contain my disappointment if he didn't.

"Yes," he whispered, grabbing at the pile of clothes.

I released my hold on his cock as he rooted around in his pockets and I hoped he hadn't misplaced it. We'd had so much fun so far, I couldn't imagine it coming to an end before the main event. It just seemed so wrong.

"Here," he mumbled, letting the clothes fall back into a pile and brandishing a glittering packet in front of me.

Tags: Laura Greenwood Erotic