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I'm about to point out that's a ridiculous question, but stop myself. Is it?

"I have no idea. Maybe they'll outlive us all and cats will finally take over the world."

"Or maybe you'll end up being a crazy cat lady," she throws back.

"Oi! For a start, they're kittens."

"Yes, kittens. Keep telling yourself that," she returns.

Laughter bubbles up between us. The dark cloud over us lifts and we enjoy each other's company. Just like it was before we both started dating.

Right, that settles it. Dates and boys are bad. I should stick with friends and kittens and leave them all be.

If only it could be that simple.

Chapter Three

Dread fills my stomach as I take my seat in Ancient Charms, and I'm not sure why. Up until now, it's all been theory. I have nothing to worry about in this class.

"You okay?" Ryan asks.

Ah. Right. That's what I need to worry about in this class.


"I know you've been avoiding me."

"I saw you yesterday," I point out. It's not like I can forget the incident in the library.

"Am I such a bad student that you didn't want to come back?" He sets my potions book on the desk next to me. "I saved this for you."

"Thank you." A blush races to my cheeks. Oops. In my confusion over Caspian, I'd forgotten about my stuff. At least I left it with a friend.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks, gesturing towards the one next to me.

Huh. For some reason, he's already claimed it in my head.

"No." I shake my head. Needlessly. He can hear me perfectly fine.


For the first time, I wish one of my other friends had this class with me.

Wait, who am I kidding, I only really have him and Daphne. And Thomas, I suppose, but he's technically off-limits.

"Alright, class. I have a very exciting announcement to make." The professor's voice booms through the class, and chatter dies off seconds later. "Today, we're not only going to be learning about Ancient Charms, but you'll also get to try doing one yourselves."

"Oh no," I whisper. The blood drains from my face as I consider some of the consequences of that.

Ryan reaches out and puts a hand over mine, giving it a quick squeeze. I'm grateful, it helps calm the panic rising inside me. But only because Caspian isn't here to see it. Daphne's suggestion about whether I'm open to polyamory is still ringing through my mind, but I don't have an answer yet. At least, not one that I think will satisfy either of the guys in my life. Or me.

"It'll be alright," he whispers.

"That's what you think. You didn't make a new kitten a couple of days ago," I hiss.

"Another one?"

"Yes." I purposefully focus my eyes back on the front of class, trying not to let the way Ryan's hand felt over mine distract me.

Tags: Laura Greenwood Grimalkin Academy: Kittens Fantasy