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He had an excellent point, and one she couldn’t argue with. “At least on this, you’re 100 percent right.” She didn’t want to stroke his ego too much. “Honestly, I was half in love with you before we met at Ambrosia.”

“Same here.” He sealed his confession with a kiss.

Chapter Seventeen

Brett pulled into a spot and turned off the engine, not surprised to see Dad’s car already parked further down the row. Except for his car and Dad’s, this level of the garage remained empty. “Relax. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

She glanced down at her lap where she was busy picking her nails apart. “Easy for you to say. Carl works for you and this is your dad.”

“You’ve met them both.” If they were about to face a room of reporters, he’d understand her apprehension. Considering they were only meeting with Carl and Dad, her unease seemed unwarranted. “What are you worried they’ll do?” he asked.

“Blame me for this disaster.” She reached in her purse and pulled out her lipstick. “Not believe me.” Jen tossed the tube back without opening it. “Try to change your mind about not dumping me.”

“Neither is happening. I won’t let it.”

She offered him a weak smile. “Let’s go, I guess. If we keep sitting here, I’m only going to tear off the rest of my nails.”

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped out. “You should leave some stuff at my house,” he said. He’d planned on telling her that and giving her a house key soon anyway; doing so now provided her with a momentary distraction. “Then you won’t have to pack every time you plan to spend the night. I’ve got plenty of empty drawers you can take over. And I had a house key made for you.”

“I will. You should do the same at my house,” she said, her voice not much above a whisper as they approached the reception desk.

Once again Dee, Carl’s assistant, was seated there instead of the receptionist. Considering the hour, he hadn’t expected anyone to be here but Carl and Dad and eventually his press secretary. He should’ve known Carl would call his personal assistant in to work. It seemed no matter the time or day, the woman was at the office ready to do Carl’s bidding.

“Hi,” Brett said, feeling guilty about calling the meeting so late and forcing her to come in.

If Dee was bothered by the hour, she didn’t let on. Instead she smiled and greeted them both. “Carl is in his office waiting,” she said. “He wanted me to put in a food order once you arrived. What would you like?”

He felt bad enough without forcing Carl’s assistant to get him food. Besides, they’d gone through the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant on the way here. “Thanks, but we ate.”

“I have to go over anyway. Do either of you want coffee?” Dee asked.

Jen reached into her purse and pulled out her wallet. “Actually, I would love another.” She held out a ten-dollar bill, but Dee didn’t accept it.

“Don’t worry about it. The office has an account next door,” Dee said, looking at him. “Can I get you one, Mr. Sherbrooke?”

“Sure.” As long as she wasn’t making a special trip just for him, he’d have her grab him a coffee too.

When Brett and Jen entered the office, both Carl and Dad looked their way. They wore matching surprised expressions. He hadn’t told either Jen would be joining them. Dad shook off his surprise first and stood.

“I wish it was under different circumstances, but it’s nice to see you again,” Dad said. He gestured toward the chair he’d pulled out. “Please have a seat.”

While Jen got settled and exchanged greetings with Carl, Dad stepped over to him. “You’re able to answer the question I posed earlier,” he said.

His dad wasn’t asking, but merely stating a fact. Brett answered him anyway. “Affirmative.”

Dad gave him a curt nod as a response and then sat again. “We better get to work,” he said.

Carl took the words as his cue to get the meeting underway even though Lily wasn’t there yet. “I need to know everything, Brett. I can’t come up with a good defense if I don’t know all the specifics,” he said, before he looked toward Jen. “I’m sure you’ve seen what the media is claiming. I need you to be honest with me. Jennifer, is Dominic Russo your father, and have you had problems with the law?”

Brett gripped her hand on the table and gave it a squeeze.

“Unfortunately, yes, Russo is my biological father,” she said.

She didn’t give either Carl or his dad a chance to question her. Instead she pressed on with the full story. And now, like he had earlier that night, he sent up a little thank-you she’d had the Wallaces to take her in and give her a loving family.

When she finished, both men asked her several questions about Domi

nic and her relationship with him.

Tags: Christina Tetreault Billionaire Romance