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“There’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Brett said, before walking toward Sean’s table.

Sean and his wife were in the middle of a conversation, but when Brett stopped alongside the table they turned their attention toward him.

“Mia, Sean,” Brett said, greeting the couple.

“Hey, glad to see you made it tonight,” Sean said. “Have a seat.”

“We had no other plans, so we decided to come over,” Brett answered before looking at Jen. “Jen, this is Sean O’Brien and his wife, Mia.”

Sean’s wife needed no formal introduction. The woman had started starring in television shows and movies as a kid. Since meeting Sean though she’d taken a break from Hollywood and gone back to finish the college degree she’d started several years ago. He looked at the happy couple and tilted his head in Jen’s direction. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Jen.”

The three of them exchanged greetings before Sean spoke again. “Jake’s here tonight. He and Charlie came up for Ma’s birthday. He’s over getting some food.”

“Sean’s sister is married to my cousin,” Brett explained to Jen. “Charlie’s not here?”

The infant attached to his friend made a noise and a tiny pink-covered foot moved. Immediately Sean started to unbuckle the contraption holding his daughter in place. “She went to visit her friend at the hospital. Jessie had her babies late last night.” Sean handed the little bundle to his wife and then he removed the carrier. “Jessie and Mack live next to you.”

“I met them right after the storm. I saw the balloons outside their house this morning.” Brett checked the area. Jake knew a lot more people in the political world than he did. Perhaps he’d heard of Phillip Young. The guy’s name had been bugging him ever since his campaign manager told him his opponent had hired him. So far, he hadn’t been able to place it, and he’d forgotten to ask his dad.

“And I ran into Grace tonight. She sounded happy when she told me she’s a big sister,” he said as he continued scouting out the area.

Finally he saw Jake walking back toward their table with his son on his shoulders and an older woman walking alongside him. The woman had to be their nana’s age and her mouth was going a mile a minute. Jake nodded and smiled as he listened.

“Have you met Mrs. Mitchell yet?” Mia asked as she repositioned her daughter against her shoulder.

Since Mia was looking in Jake’s direction as well, Brett guessed the woman walking with his cousin was Mrs. Mitchell. “No.”

“Looks like you’re about to,” Sean said moments before the older woman and Jake stopped at their table.

“I was going to call and see if you were around tonight,” Jake said as he removed Garret from his shoulders and set him down on the bench. “Mrs. Mitchell, this is my cousin, Brett.”

The older woman smiled warmly. “I saw your picture in the paper this week.” Mrs. Mitchell walked closer and extended her hand toward Brett. “We’re neighbors. I live on the other side of Jessie and Mack. If you ever need anything at all, please stop by. We take care of each other in this town.” She patted his shoulder. “And just so you know, you have my vote in November. Ted Smith doesn’t belong in any office.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate it,” Brett said.

Mrs. Mitchell touched his forearm. “None of that ma’am nonsense. Makes me feel old.”

Brett heard Jake cough, and he wondered if it was his cousin’s attempt to cover up a laugh. Mrs. Mitchell’s comment was ridiculous after all, considering the woman had to be well over eighty years old.

“Call me Mrs. Mitchell like everyone else,” she said.

“Will do.”

After the older woman left, Jake took the empty

seat between his son and Brett. “That woman knows everyone’s business,” Jake said.

“She always has,” Sean said as he pulled a baby bottle out of the bag next to him.

“I think she’s sweet,” Mia said.

“Hey, I never said she wasn’t. I like Mrs. Mitchell.” Sean measured out baby formula before adding it to the water in the bottle. “But somehow she manages to keep tabs on everything going on in town. And she never forgets anything.”

“Unlike some people at this table.” Jake elbowed him hard in the side.

Brett immediately returned the gesture. “Jen, I hate to do this to you, especially when you’ll have to meet more of my family tomorrow, but this annoying creature is my cousin Jake.” As expected, the comment earned him another swift elbow to the side.

Jake leaned forward so he could see Jen. “I believe he meant to say amazing. My cousin’s command of the English language has always been lacking. It’s a bit embarrassing, really.”

Tags: Christina Tetreault Billionaire Romance