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Jen’s menu remained closed on the table alongside an untouched glass of white wine.

“Sorry again for being late.”

“Don’t worry about it. Was traffic bad tonight?” she asked. “I definitely hit a little leaving the city.”

“Horrendous. The worst it’s been all week. I should’ve left earlier.”

“Getting out of Providence on a Friday is always worse than the rest of the week too, especially this time of year. It gets a little better in the winter when people aren’t trying to go away for the weekend. Sometimes I work late to avoid it. I imagine it’s even worse in Boston.” She reached for her menu and opened it. “I haven’t decided on a meal yet. Do you recommend anything?”

Brett watched the candlelight dance across her face, more interested in that than what entrees the menu contained. “This is my first time here. I asked a friend for some recommendations and decided on here because it specializes in Italian. We can check out the other ones he suggested another time.” He opened his menu but didn’t look at what was listed inside.

“You remembered Italian is my favorite. Why am I not surprised?” She gifted him with another smile. “I peeked at the menu when I first sat down. Everything sounds amazing. I don’t know how I’m going to decide.”

“I think you should go with lasagna or baked stuffed shells,” Brett said remembering well their conversation at Ambrosia about her dislike of ricotta cheese.

Jen looked up from the menu. “Since I know you’re joking, I’m going to forget you even said that.” She went back to reading the dishes available. “What are you considering?”

You. He wisely kept the thought to himself and finally glanced at his open menu. “No idea. I’ve had lasagna and fettuccini alfredo already this week. Carl’s favorite restaurant is in the North End. We’ve met there twice for lunch.”

“You should’ve made a reservation somewhere else tonight. I do enjoy other types of food.”

“Why? Italian is one of my favorites too. And it’s not like there aren’t plenty of options on the menu.”

Neither spoke again as they read over the dishes available and placed their orders. Only when the waitress left did Jen start a conversation.

“How was your first week at Homeland?” she asked.


“Different good or different bad?”

Brett thought for a moment. He’d both enjoyed and disliked the hours he’d spent at his new job. “Both. I’m not used to sitting behind a desk so much. I guess I’ll get used to it.”

“It’s not for everyone. Keith would go nuts in a chair all day.”

He agreed. Her brother would start climbing the walls if stuck in an office.

“Any updates on the—”

Brett saw the man walking their way but didn’t think anything of it until he stopped a few inches from their table. “Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to introduce myself. City councilman Jeff Murphy,” he said, cutting Jen off midsentence. He extended his hand toward Brett and continued, “I represent Salem’s third ward. I’m also the chairman for the community and economic development subcommittee.”

He’d hoped to leave politics at home, but it looked like that had been an unrealistic expectation tonight. “Nice to meet you.” He shook the councilman’s hand. “Brett Sherbrooke.”

The man actually chuckled when Brett introduced himself. He interpreted the reaction to mean it’d been not only an unnecessary move but, at least in the councilman’s eyes, a silly one.

Unsure of how Jen would want to be introduced to the unwelcome visitor, he said, “And this is my friend Jennifer.”

“Very nice to meet you too,” the councilman extended his hand in Jen’s direction. After shaking Jen’s hand, he turned his full attention back to Brett. “I want you to know you have my full support in the primary.” The councilman opened his wallet and pulled out a crisp white business card. “Don’t hesitate to contact me if I can help you in any way.”

This might be his first trip into politics, but he knew help from other politicians often came with strings attached. “Thank you for your support. I appreciate it.” How many times had he read or heard Uncle Warren say that during his various campaigns? “I’ll keep you in mind.” He took the business card and dropped it into his shirt pocket.

The councilman smiled and nodded. “Enjoy your evening. Turin is one of our city’s finest establishments. My wife and I are frequent visitors.”

Brett watched the man walk away and rejoin a woman seated across the dining room. “I apologize for that too,” he said. “Tonight isn’t starting off well.”

Jen reached for his hand. “You had about as much control over his visit as you did the traffic tonight. No need to apologize.” She tilted her head in the councilman’s general direction. “Before our unexpected visitor showed up, I was going to ask how the campaign is going.”

They’d discussed the campaign a bit during their phone calls this week, but he’d made a conscious effort not to bore her with all the details. “Going as planned so far. I’ve got two town hall forums this week. One is Tuesday out in Amherst and the other is Wednesday in Boston. Thursday I have a meet and greet down in Westport.” Brett proceeded to fill her in on the rest of his upcoming week.

Tags: Christina Tetreault Billionaire Romance