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Muni had never dragged souls out of Valhalla, though she’d considered it a time or two. If she hadn’t been favored by Odin, hadn’t carried his blessing in her blood, she wouldn’t have been able to do it at all and so she was thankful she still carried her essence within her soul, even if she was different from how she’d once been. Though she knew she had it within her power, she’d never had true reason to perform the action until now. It made sense for her race team to be made up of men who were brave and honorable, those who had given their lives in battle. Though she regretted having to pull them from their paradise, they could simply return at the end if they so desired. It was an easy spell.

The moment she stepped free of the doorway, pain lanced through her body, and it felt like she was walking through mud as she left, as if having the three souls with her were akin to strings holding her back. Gritting her teeth, Muni dragged hard against the invisible restraints, planting her boots, and digging in with a growl. She could feel her power drain as the first soul popped free, the first one that had come upon her. The young soul popped free next with an audible sound, dancing around her as she struggled to pull the final soul. Her knees grew weak and still she dragged forward, clawing at the ground when she slid and went to all fours. The soul that had fought against her tether was fighting hardest against leaving Valhalla, and it took everything in Muni to give one last desperate pull forward and tear him free.

The door to Valhalla slammed shut behind her as she collapsed to her hands and knees, her hair hanging around her face. Sweat coated her skin and she felt weak, but she couldn’t show that in the face of the three souls she’d just fought to rip from Valhalla. On shaky legs, Muni pressed herself up, swaying only slightly before she lifted her chin and faced the three glowing souls.

She’d thought her struggle would be the hardest part, but she hadn’t realized how violent of a process this would be.

The three souls shook in the air and the first guttural shout echoed in the air around her, causing Muni to glance around nervously to make sure no one was coming. She watched as the first orb exploded outward in tiny tendrils of light before coming together and morphing into a large man, tracing his shape as if he were a drawing come to life. The process looked so painful, Muni grimaced regretfully. She didn’t know what all went into the process and as the corded muscle in the man’s neck stood out in sharp relief, she realized she should have looked deeper into it before going forward.

The man fell to his knees, panting, as the second soul exploded outward, shaping a man. The third soul followed suit, somehow more violent than the first two, as if everything he did was a struggle of dominance. While the first two shouted in pain, the third made no sound of pain, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel it. As his shape was formed, Muni could see the grimace of pain on his lips, could feel the agony he went through to keep his teeth clenched and soundless. A warrior, through and through, and one who was far stronger than she expected. He was also familiar, and the moment his face formed, she was jerked back to a memory of the Viking feeding a raven a piece of bread and talking to her. Muni blinked at the memory and just barely kept herself from stumbling back.

“What is this?” the first man growled, reaching for an axe at his side that wasn’t there. At least the three men had formed with clothing on their backs. “Where am I?”

Muni was surprised to see the second man in modern clothing, and she was reminded that he’d felt younger than the others. Eyes enhanced by the glasses framing them looked around himself, studying everything, before they settled on her. He didn’t ask questions, just waited for her answer. The third man narrowed hateful eyes on her and if she’d been less of a woman, she might have shivered under that look.

Nodding her head regally at them despite her weak bones, Muni tipped up her chin higher. “Welcome, warriors. You can call me Munin.” They all frowned comically at the same time.”

“And where are we?” the first man asked in his thick Scandinavian accent.

“Norway,” she answered. “And the three of you have been chosen for my mission.”

Tags: Kendra Moreno Race Games Paranormal