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Fairy dust had many uses, but one of them was as an aphrodisiac. Radley would be feeling all kinds of pleasure right now, the urge to work it off would be strong.

His eyes focused on hers and glowed. “Keep it up, sugar plum, and I’ll use this on you.” He gripped his cock in his hands and stroked through his clothing, bringing a moan to his mouth before he realized what he was doing. The moan turned into a growl.

Cricket grinned. “Who says I wouldn’t want that?”

Radley froze. “You’re playing games.”

“Am I?” she purred. “Or are you thinking about what it would feel like to bend me over this car right now?”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, which only had him inhaling more dust. “Fuck,” he rasped under his breath. “It’s just the fucking dust. I should bite you for that.”

Cricket’s grin widened. “I’d be into that.”

Radley snarled and backed away, desperate to escape before he acted on the impulses going through him, before he wanted the enemy too much. “I hate you,” he spit.

Cricket waved her fingers at him mockingly. “Have fun working that off, furball.” She ran her hands along her breasts, a tease that had him inhaling sharply. “Try not to think of me when you finish.”

His final growl was so savage, she wondered if she had made a mistake, but then he was turning away and rushing off the track, disappearing into the trees around the house. The moment he disappeared, her smile fell and she sighed.

“We’re never going to pull this off,” she whispered to herself, before patting her Mercedes. “Come on, girl. Let’s get you fixed up.”

Tags: Kendra Moreno Race Games Paranormal