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“No, I’ll just stay here tonight. There’s yoga in the morning, anyway. If you want to drop the puppies off for me to watch, that’s fine. Otherwise, I’ll talk to you in the morning,” Geneviève texted back to me.

Part of me felt like I’d been dupped.

But I really didn’t have the right to feel that way.

Geneviève had probably planned to stay back at the apartments. At first, I had wondered why she had been carrying such a large bag.

She’d only been in the house for a few minutes, max. Nobody could pack a bag that quickly. She must’ve had it ready in her room this morning before we left.

For some reason, my heart sunk at this realization.

“I can keep the puppies here. Have a good night.” Then I clicked off my screen, feeling a bit sadder than I should.

It wasn’t like we were together.

If she were here, it wasn’t like we’d be in my hot tub—me in my board shorts and Geneviève in her white bikini—because that was her best one.

Not that all her bikinis weren’t fantastic.

Because they most certainly were.

I just had a certain affinity for the white one.

But if we were in the hot tub—me in my board shorts and Geneviève in her lovely, sexy, white bikini—maybe we’d discuss the day. I’d tell her why a couple of players were pissing me off.

She’d tell me what happened during their practice.

Then I’d bring up something the boys had said to me on the phone tonight.

Then she’d laugh.

Then I’d sit beside her and—

The doorbell rang, making me jump. I’d been so involved in my fantasy, I’d forgotten where I was for a second.

I strode to the door and frowned at who it was. After I unlocked it, I swung the door open. “What’s up?” I asked, stepping to the side, and letting Trey in.

“I miss those puppies. I got all excited when I saw G at her apartment. I thought maybe she had them with her. Well—with both of you,” he said, his head quirking to the side as his eyes examined me. “Why aren’t you there with her?”

While I shut the door, I said, “She missed the girls. I think they had something up tonight.”

He stared at me with a critical eye even after my explanation. “Uh, okay. I’m unsure why she’d voluntarily choose to stay there when she could be here. In the land of no cameras.”

Trey walked to my fridge and pulled out a beer. “You want one?” he asked, his head still stuck in there, poking around at what was inside.


After he set the bottles on the counter, a loud chorus of whining started. Trey’s face transformed with a huge smile. “My babies need me,” he said, taking a long pull on his beer before he went in search of the puppies.

I took a look inside the fridge and saw a platter made up with fruit, vegetables, and cheese. Gigi must’ve made it last night. Or this morning.

When I’d dropped her off, she mentioned there was food in the fridge.

Since she wasn’t going to be around for supper, I grabbed some fast food on the way home. I threw the evidence of my garbage meal in the—well, garbage outside to hide the evidence.

Tags: Jessa York Las Vegas Angels Romance