“Good. Get that started, Tank, as soon as you can. I’ll let Rebel and Tank work out the guard-duty rotations. One final thing. It’s about the bunnies. We’ve had two of them act up in the last few months now that some of us are settling down. CeeCee is gone. I don’t mind having the girls around for you single guys, but they have to know that messing with a committed guy will get them thrown out. I’m not opposed to bringing in new ones, just make sure we vet them. We know almost all of them are patch chasers. Can’t help that. Okay, that’s it for tonight. Get the hell out of here.”

I hurried out to the common room. Madisen was sitting with the ladies. I went straight to them. Both Dev and Jocelyn hugged me and offered congratulations on the baby and the engagement. We talked with them and some of the others for a little bit. As soon as I saw her yawn, I stood up.

“Time for bed, baby. You can talk and visit more tomorrow. It’s time for you to rest.” She didn’t protest. She bid everyone goodnight and followed me down the hall to our room. As soon as I got her inside, I started to strip off her clothes. She didn’t say a word. Once she was naked, I got undressed and took her into the shower. I washed her hair and lathered her body. Just looking at her made me hard, but she needed rest. I’d wait until tomorrow to make love to her. After I got her rinsed and dried, I carried her to bed and tucked her into my chest.

“I want to make love to you tonight, darlin’, but you and the baby need to rest. I promise, tomorrow, I’ll make up for it.” She frowned then sighed.

“Okay, Ronan, but don’t make a habit of it. I will hurt you if you do. Love you.”

“I love you too. ‘Night, babe.” I gave her one last kiss before we drifted off—just me, my woman, and our baby.


I woke up the next morning around nine. Rolling over, I saw that Rebel wasn’t in the bed. He must be up already. I hurried to get freshened up and dressed. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top, then I wandered out to the common room. Since it was Saturday, a lot of the guys were around. Those that were called out greetings. Rebel was sitting, talking to Joker and Demon. He jumped up and came over to me. His good-morning kiss curled my toes. Thank God I had a bra on so no one saw my nipples get hard. He broke it and grinned. The bastard knew what he did to me.

“Let me get you something for breakfast. Jocelyn cooked earlier. Have a seat and I’ll be right back.” I went over to sit by Joker. He was grinning from ear to ear. I braced myself to hear what he had to say.

“Go ahead. Lay it on me,” I told him while rolling my eyes.

“Well, you sure didn’t wait long after you left me to jump Rebel’s bones and get knocked up. I can’t tell you how heartbroken I am. How could you do this to us? You’re a mean, heartless woman. I’m going to have to drown my sorrows in alcohol.”

I laughed. “And let me guess, and in even more easy pussy. One of these days, Joker, someone is going to come along and hook you. I can’t wait. I hope I get to tell you I told you so.” He pretended to shudder. He didn’t fool me. I knew he wanted to meet someone. Before he could say anything else, Rebel sat a heaping plate of food down in front of me. My eyes got huge.

“Honey, you can’t honestly expect me to eat all this!”

“You’re eating for two.”

“Yes, for two, not twenty. I can’t eat even a quarter of this, Rebel. I hope you left room to finish it off.” I looked at his heaping plate. Joker snickered.

“If he can’t, I will, sexy. No worries.”

Rebel glared at him. “When are you going to stop calling my woman sexy? Get your own.”

“I did but you stole her.” Rebel flipped him off. I laughed at their antics. Demon and Slash came over to join us. We talked about this and that, nothing too serious, while I worked at eating my breakfast. I’d gotten maybe a quarter through it when a wave of nausea rolled over me. I jumped up and raced to the bathroom close to the common room. Rebel was right on my heels. I tried to close the door before he got in, but he pushed his way in, anyway. I dropped to my knees and threw up everything I’d just eaten. He rubbed my back and held back my hair.

I sank down and rested my head on my arms. I heard him talking to someone, but I didn’t pay attention to what they were saying. He roused me and handed me a glass of water then my toothbrush. I gladly brushed my teeth even if the toothpaste made me want to hurl. I hated to vomit more than almost anything. When I was done, he lifted me up and took me down the hall to our room. He laid me gently on the bed.

“Can I get you anything, Firecracker? Something to settle your stomach.” Before I could answer, there was a knock at the door. He answered it and in came Jocelyn. She was carrying ginger ale and a packet of crackers.

“Here you go, Madisen. These should help. I recommend you keep them beside your bed and to eat some before you even get up. Also, I find small, more frequent meals help too. It may take some trial and error to find what works best for you, but it’ll get better. Have you called to get an appointment yet with Dr. Foreman? He’s the best. You’ll love him.”

“No, I was going to do it after breakfast.”

“Baby, I called as soon as the office opened. I was going to tell you after you ate. He can see you later today. I guess he had a cancellation. We’ll head out around one. In the meantime, why don’t you rest? We’ll watch TV or if you want, you and Jocelyn can talk. But I’d like you to stay lying down.”

He surprised me that he’d thought to do such a thing. Jocelyn smiled as she watched him. “I can’t stay, but I thought I’d bring these over. We’ll talk later, Madisen. Get some rest.” I thanked her. After she left, I looked at Rebel.

“Thank you for calling, honey. I think I will rest for a bit. Can you lie with me or do you need to go do something?”

He slid into bed and wrapped me in his arms. “We’ll take a nap. Rest before we have to go to the doctor.” His warm embrace lulled me to sleep in no time.

Rebel insisted on driving me in the club’s SUV to my doctor’s appointment. Riding alongside, in front and behind us, were Joker, Ajax, Demon, and Slash. I felt conspicuous with this many people guarding me, but Rebel wouldn’t budge. I would go out with no less than four guards, or not at all. Not going out at all was his preference. I’d given in because there was no way I could stay on the compound indefinitely. I’d go insane and kill someone. Probably Rebel.

The parking lot of Dr. Foreman’s office was almost full. We lucked out and got a spot near the door because a car was pulling out as we drove in. He put his hand on my arm to stop me from opening the door.

“Wait. We’re going to sit here until the guys check out the place first, then I’ll get you out. You need to let me do that. It’s unlikely anyone would know we were coming here, but I want to be safe.”

“Honey, I know you want to protect me, but we could have someone take a shot at me while we sit in this vehicle,” I told him reasonably. He shook his head.

Tags: Ciara St James Hunters Creek Archangel's Warriors MC Romance