“I hope we do before someone else finds her. Her apartment has been torn apart. Things ripped and torn all over. Someone has been in there since she and I were a week ago. She’s not safe, and she’s out there thinking I was about to fuck around on her. God, what the hell am I going to do if she doesn’t believe me or come back?”

The thought I wouldn’t get to tell her the truth or that she wouldn’t believe me tore through my gut. I couldn’t lose her. I’d just found her. She was the center of my fucking world already. I wanted to marry her and grow old with our grandkids around us. Bull dragged me from my thoughts.

“Let’s all go into church.” We all followed him while the ladies sat down. Once inside and seated, he called us to order. “Okay, we heard what the hell went on. It’s fucked up. What we need to do is find her right now. Since she doesn’t have any friends and her phone isn’t turned on, we can’t trace her. I’m thinking we split up and drive around town and just outside of it. Maybe she’s somewhere and we will see her car. I don’t know what else to do until she uses her phone. However, we need to discuss Jonah and him letting her leave.”

“His ass needs to be beat then kicked out,” I growled. Bull held up a hand.

“Hold it. I know you’re pissed and rightly so, but he is new and didn’t know not to let her leave on her own. That was our fault for not telling him. I say we educate him and let him know anything else like this and his ass will be gone for good.”

I didn’t like it, but I knew I was probably letting my personal dislike of him and the situation color my opinion. Most of the guys agreed with Bull. In the end, we decided to let him stay and to work on his education. All that would happen after we got Madisen back. I was going to make sure he learned his fucking lesson. We talked about who was going to search where and then broke up. Jocelyn gave me a hug when I hit the common room.

“You’ll find her. If she calls me, I’ll let Bull know. Go find her and bring her home.” I hugged her and then went out the door. Everyone going on the search was getting set to go. I left first. I was to search around Main Street and the downtown shops. As I went back toward town, I tried not to let my gloomy thoughts take over. I would find her and she would listen and forgive me for not pushing CeeCee away sooner.

When I got to town, I kept my eyes peeled. I saw nothing. I searched every parking lot and store and found no sign of her. I was about to scream. My phone rang. I saw it was Outlaw, and I hurried to answer it.

“Did you find her?”

“No, but I was thinking about the aunt she moved here to be close to. I ran her name and found she had a house over near the old Baptist church. It’s been sold but maybe she went there. You know, just to sit outside it and think. I’m still searching but it’s worth a try.”

I got the address and thanked him. I was willing to try anything at this point. Five minutes later I was outside the house. It was a cute little cottage. Unfortunately, I saw no sign of her or her car. I sagged down on my bike. Where are you, Madisen? Please baby, call me. I was begging in my mind. As I sat there gazing at the house, a random thought popped into my head. Since she probably thought she couldn’t talk to Devyn and Jocelyn, would she feel the need to talk to her aunt? I knew she was dead, but people did talk to their departed loved ones. I hurried to call Outlaw. He answered on the first ring.

“Is she there?”

“No, but I had a thought. Which cemetery is her aunt buried in? Maybe she went there to talk, you know.” He got silent for a minute. I heard him typing then he was back on the line.

“She’s at the small one on the edge of town. You know, Creekview. Good luck. Let us know if you find her or need anything else.”

I thanked him and then got rolling. As I pulled through the gates of Creekview, I scanned for her car. Off in the distance toward the back, I saw it. Her car was parked by a few graves that were at the back of the cemetery by the trees. I pulled off at the entrance and killed my engine. I didn’t want to spook her and have her take off before I had a chance to talk to her. I left my bike and headed across the grass at the tree line. This would bring me up behind her since her aunt’s grave was close to the trees. She never looked up. When I got close to her, I could hear her crying. It tore out my heart. Then she started talking.


“I can’t believe Rebel would do that to me. He’s been the one for weeks telling me how he only wants me and a life together and has pursued me. I thought he loved me, and we were building a life together, only to see him with CeeCee. She was about to blow him right there in the common room with Tank and a couple others watching. And he wasn’t resisting her. God, just remembering makes me want to puke.” When I ran, I had no idea where I was going. I knew I couldn’t go to my apartment, so, I’d ended up here at the cemetery to talk to my aunt Margo after driving on autopilot. Margo had always been the best listener. I missed her so much.

“I thought I’d found someone who loved me, Aunt Margo. But it was all a lie. Why does my life have to be full of shit? He was sitting there about to let one of those skanks give him a blow job. He thought I’d be gone longer at the bakery. Well, I guess we both got a surprise. It doesn’t matter anyway. I should have known it was too good to be true. You’re the only one who ever cared or loved me. I’ll just take this as a lesson learned and move on. Maybe I’ll go to Texas. I’ve always wanted to go there.”

“You’re not fucking going anywhere, Madisen. You’ll leave over my dead body,” I heard Rebel growl. I swung around to see Rebel standing behind me. He was frowning at me and looking pissed. What did he have to be pissed about? He’d been getting it from me and her. He had no say in where I went or what I did.

“Fuck you, Rebel. I don’t have to do anything you say. Leave me alone. I’ll get my shit out of your precious clubhouse by tonight. How did you find me? Never mind, it doesn’t matter. I want to be alone. You’d better get back to your skank friend.”

He stepped toward me, and I backed away. He stopped. “Baby, I know what you saw was damning, but you can’t believe I’d be with her or anyone else. You’re my fucking old lady. That’s for life! Let’s go home and we’ll talk. I’ll explain what happened.” He held out his hand, but I ignored it.

“Screw that. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say, Rebel. You’re a manwhore. I was stupid to think you’d quit being one. Well, no worries, I won’t keep you from the hordes of women who want a piece of your cock. I just won’t be one of them. Now, leave. It makes me sick to look at you. Oh God, I need to go to the doctor! I can only imagine what you gave me from one of those skanks.” The thought made my stomach twist, and I bent over and vomited. Panic was setting in. Did I catch something I couldn’t get rid of? Why had I let him have sex with me without a condom? Without showing me proof he was clean like he had said? I was an idiot.

Suddenly, I was wrapped in two strong arms. I struggled to get loose, and he tightened his grip. “Settle down. Jesus, Madisen, how can you think that I’d cheat on you? Or that I’d ever put you at risk? I’ve never been with a woman other than you bare. Stop tearing yourself up like this. I didn’t touch her. I haven’t touched her or anyone since I met you and I won’t touch anyone but you! She came up and caught me off guard. I told her to get lost but then she dropped to her knees and grabbed my zipper. I was about to shove her off me when you came in the door. I swear on my patch, I wouldn’t have allowed her to do it. Please, baby, you have to believe me.”

I stopped struggling. “Let me go.” He slowly loosened his grip. I stepped away and put distance between us again.

“Why would I think you’d do it? Why not? There isn’t anything special about me to capture and keep a guy’s attention. Especially one like you. You have pussy thrown at you morning, noon, and night. Hell, you’re the first guy to ever have sex with me. Must have been hell on you, having to put up with my amateurish moves. No wonder you had to go to her.”

He growled and started to come toward me again. I held up my hand. He stopped. “I can’t believe you think no man would want you. You’re perfect. You’re beautiful, smart, sexy and a million other things. Having sex with you has been the best experience of my life. Now, I’m telling you, you’re not leaving here or me. We’re going home. CeeCee is gone. Bull sent her packing and good riddance too. I’ll tell you again, I want you and only you. I love you, Madisen.”

I froze at hearing him say he loved me. He hadn’t said that to me before. I knew we were moving fast, and I hadn’t expected him to say this any time soon. Maybe never. I knew I loved him which is what made what I saw hurt so much worse. Could he be telling the truth? Had it been a misunderstanding? Did he love me and want to spend his life only with me? I stood looking into his eyes, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth. All I saw on his face was concern and sadness. In his eyes, I saw softness and what might actually be love. I took a step toward him. Before I could get closer, I heard something hit the trees behind me followed by a pop. I didn’t know what it was. But he did.

Rebel dived across the distance separating us and took me to the ground. He covered my body with his and rolled us a couple of times to the left. “Keep your head down, baby. Someone just shot at you. I want you to move with me. Wiggle using your hands and toes back toward the trees. Come on.” He tugged on me. I wiggled as he kept himself over top of me. He had his gun out in his hand. I was shaking. I’d never had anyone shoot at me. Was it Chris? Was it my stepdad? My mind raced as I moved slowly back. It felt like it took forever to make it into the trees. The grass was overgrown so it helped to hide us. I heard another two shots ring out, but they were to the right of us, possibly over near where we’d first hit the ground.

As soon as we got into the tree line, Rebel pushed me down a small embankment into a ditch. He pulled out his phone. I looked around frantically. What if whoever it was came up behind us? My heart felt like it was pounding like a drum in my chest. Why had I left my purse that had my gun in it, in the damn car?

“Bull, we need help. Madisen and I are at the Creekview cemetery at her aunt’s grave. Someone just took a shot at her! A fucking shot! I’ve got her in the woods in a ditch. A couple other shots were fired. I need backup so I can get her out of here. Hurry.” I couldn’t hear what Bull was saying, but he must have agreed because Rebel thanked him before he hung up. He looked over at me.

“Baby, are you, alright? I didn’t hurt you when I slammed you to the ground did I?” he asked me anxiously. I shook my head no. “Come here.” He pulled me into his chest. I was shaking. “I won’t let anything happen to you, babe. Do you hear me? My brothers are on the way. I doubt whoever is out there stuck around. They had to know I’d call for backup. We’ll just stay here until the guys get here. Stay here while I take a peek.” I grabbed onto him. I didn’t want him to leave. He held onto me as he looked up over the edge of the ditch. I could see him looking around. He had his gun at the ready. After a couple of minutes, he sank us back down.

“I don’t see anyone. Let’s move a little further into the trees. Stay down and try not to make noise,” he whispered. I let him guide me further into the trees like he wanted. He kept watch on our back trail. We found a large boulder. He indicated for me to hide behind it. As we crouched there, he held me. He kept murmuring we’d be fine and kissing my hair and forehead. I think I was in shock. All I could do was shake.

I didn’t know how long we hid there until I heard the roar of a bunch of bikes coming from back toward the cemetery. I went to stand up, but Rebel stopped me. “Wait until we get the all clear.”

We waited for what felt like forever until we heard Bull’s voice yelling it was alright to come out. Rebel helped me up out of the ditch and held my hand as we headed back to where the guys were. When we broke through the trees, I saw most of the club was there with guns drawn. Rebel never let go of me. The guys all greeted me and asked if I was okay. I couldn’t talk. To be honest, I wasn’t sure why I was acting so out of it. My head felt like it was swimming and I was lightheaded. But I didn’t tell Rebel that. He and the guys had enough to worry about. Someone out there sure did want me dead. Rebel briefly told the guys what happened. Bull said we needed to get back to the compound and they could talk more. Rebel looked at me.

“Madisen, are you okay to drive your car? We’ll all be with you surrounding it. If not, I’ll send a prospect after it. Tell me what you want to do, babe?” I went to answer but nothing came out. I felt this warm sensation go through my body and everything started to go black. As it did, I felt myself slumping and his arms tightening around me. Everything was completely black and peaceful.

Tags: Ciara St James Hunters Creek Archangel's Warriors MC Romance