Page 9 of Her Obsession

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“I’m busy! Who has time to do laundry?”

“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll do laundry if you do the cooking.”

“Deal!” She says quickly.

“There is one more thing I wanted to ask you.”

“What’s that?”

Before she can react, I pull my cuffs out and slap them around her wrist. I attach the other one to my own wrist. Her eyes are big and I know that I finally managed to surprise her. I had called her father the day after we first slept together and got his blessing. I asked Peyton last night when Harley was in the bathroom and got her blessing too.

“I know I should get down on one knee but I thought that you would appreciate the cuffs a little more. Harley Marley, you are the love of my life. I know we haven’t been dating that long, but as you once said, this has been in motion for years. There has never been anyone before you and I know that I will never want anyone but you for as long as I live. I want to help you and Peyton with your businesses and anything else that you dream up in that perfect head of yours. I want to have a family with you and grow old with you. You’ve already made sure that everyone knows I’m yours when you kissed me in your café. Now, I want to make sure that everyone knows that you’re mine, with this.”

I pull the diamond ring out from pocket as I finish my speech. I hold it up for her to see and watch as she looks wide-eyed between the ring and my face. Her eyes are wide and glassy as they stare back at me.

“What do you say, Harley? Will you marry me, baby?”

“Oh my god, yes. Yes!”

She throws herself at me, forgetting about the handcuffs and we tumble back onto the bed. I slip the ring onto her finger and we both beam at each other as we stare into each other’s eyes.

“I love you, Harley.”

“I love you too, Cooper.”

Her lips meet mine then but before we can get too lost in each other, Harley’s phone starts to ring. She pulls away, rolling off of me to check it and answers when she sees that it’s Peyton.

I kiss her neck while she rolls back to me and lays on top of my chest. Peyton and her both start to squeal and I know that Harley has told her that we’re engaged. I smile into her skin as I listen to the happiness in my girl’s voice. I promise myself that I’m going to spend the rest of my life keeping it there.



Two Months Later…

I standin front of the mirror smoothing my hands down the white fabric. I look up and my eyes meet Peyton’s in the mirror.

“You look gorgeous, Harley.” She says with tears in her eyes.

I spin around and wrap my arms around Peyton, holding her close. Cooper and I decided not to have a long engagement. We planned a simple wedding with just our family and closest friends. We finally opened the bakery and things were a little tight money wise but I didn’t need anything fancy. I just wanted to be married to Cooper already.

My mom comes into the room and Peyton and I pull apart.

“You look beautiful, darling.”

“Thanks, mom.” I say as she pulls me into a hug.

“I’m so happy that you’re happy.” She whispers in my ear and I nod against her shoulder.

The three of us wipe tears from our eyes as we pull away.

“It’s time you two.”

Peyton and I nod and the three of us walk down our hallway and out onto the back deck. We’re getting married on the beach outside of Cooper and my house. Peyton and I catered the food and cake and my parents paid for the flowers and photographer while Coopers paid for the alcohol. That was all that we needed and as I look down the beach, I can see Cooper standing next to the priest waiting for me.

My mom kisses my cheek before she heads down the beach to take her seat. Music starts to play and Peyton hugs me one last time before she starts to walk down the aisle. My dad comes up to stand with me and I take his arm as we slowly follow after her. I keep my eyes on Cooper and my heart beats faster and faster as I get closer. This is what was always supposed to happen, I can feel it. Cooper has always been my destiny, my one and only, my happily ever after.

I smile as my dad leans in and kisses my cheek before he hands me off to Cooper. I can hardly remember the words that the priest says as I stare into Cooper’s eyes. He squeezes my hands when it gets time to repeat my vows and before I know it, he’s tugging me closer to him and we’re sealing our vows with a kiss.

Tags: Shaw Hart Erotic