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“She’s sixty and married, with ten grandkids.”

“Okay, scratch that idea. How long would you have after Gabe gets here before he gets placed with someone else?” Cole asked. “If you put your mind to it, maybe you could date and marry the old-fashioned way. Or even hire one of those millionaire-matchmakers.”

“As I understand it, I’ve got zero chance unless I start the process on the foster-to-adopt track. If I’m the emergency medical guardian and nothing else, I’ll lose him in the end. If they would only give me a chance, I could prove I’d be the best father Gabe could possibly have.”

“I have no doubt you’d be an amazing dad, but it’ll be a lot harder to convince your caseworker,” said Cole. “I still say a temporary marriage is your best bet, if you want to make sure you have a fighting chance. Once the adoption is final, you could file for divorce. All you need is a solid prenup.”

“Even if I thought that was a good idea, I wouldn’t do it after what happened this morning.” Jarrett took a deep breath. Saying it out loud would make it real. “Guess who I found out is living next door to me… Carlie.”

“TheCarlie?YourCarlie?” Cole’s mouth dropped open. “Oh man! Are you okay? What did you say to her?”

“I talked to her sister, but not Carlie. I don’t know if I ever told you guys, but Carlie has a twin.”

“Sounds vaguely familiar.” Cole rubbed the scruff on his chin. “Is Carlie single? Does this mean there’s a chance you’ll get back together?”

“She’s divorced, so it’s possible. I’m trying to be sensible about it. A lot of time has passed, and I don’t even know if she’s the same person.” Jarrett rubbed his suddenly-sweaty palms on his jeans. “She’s coming over tonight. She and Rylie, both.”

“Rylie’s the twin? Are they identical?”

“In looks, yes. In personality, they’re like black and white.” Jarrett smiled. “Or maybe more like sugar and spice. You’ll see, tonight. I can’t wait for you to meet them.”

“So this could solve everything, right? You and Carlie get together. You could get married next week, adopt Gabe, and live happily ever after.”

“That’s definitely not an option. At least not in that order.”

“Isn’t she the only woman you ever loved?”

“She is. At least I think she is. But I don’t know how I feel now.” Jarrett rubbed his temples, trying to stave off the headache building behind his eyes. “I was really happy back when Carlie and I were together. But I don’t know if I can step back into a relationship and pretend nothing ever happened. I don’t trust her now. You get that, right?”

“Totally.” Cole nodded. “But you can get it back. You shouldn’t give up.”

“Right, but I can’t do it in a week or even a month. It’s going to take time. If we have any chance of making this work, we have to start over and take it slow.”

“No doubt you’re going to take it slow.” Cole chuckled, shaking his head. “You have three speeds when you make decisions—slow, slower, and sloth.”

Jarrett knew Cole was right, even though he didn’t want to admit it. “All that means is I make careful, smart decisions.”

“But sometimes, by the time you decide, it’s too late.”

Is that what had happened with Carlie the first time? Had he moved too slowly?

“Being careful is part of who I am,” Jarrett said. “I don’t think I can change.”

“You can’t, and you shouldn’t.” Cole slung his artificial arm around Jarrett’s shoulder. “But you’re not afraid to take a chance and adopt a kid with cancer. That takes more guts than marrying a woman you’ve been in love with for nine years.”

“The marriage wouldn’t stand a chance if we rushed into it. I have to concentrate on Gabe. This thing with Carlie will just have to wait until I figure out the adoption.”

“Okay.” Cole held up his hands in surrender. “I’m just happy you’re even considering marriage after years of swearing you’d be single for the rest of your life.”

“There’s one other little complication about Carlie,” Jarrett said, watching Cole for his reaction to his next revelation. “Her last name is Malone.”

It took a second for the information to sink in, but eventually Cole’s eyes went wide. “No way! Your Carlie is Carlie Malone? The singer?”

“One and the same. She left for Nashville nine years ago and ended our relationship like it was nothing to her.”

“And this is why you were so tight-lipped about the breakup? You didn’t want us to know who she was?”

“Right,” Jarrett said, surprised that telling the story hadn’t been as painful as he anticipated. “It was bad enough, seeing her picture splashed all over the news, without having you guys know. I didn’t want your pity.”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Billionaire Romance