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My fingers scratched against Leander’s shoulder as he continued pressing in. The cone of him was so thick.

I whimpered and clutched his ass with my foot. “Oh, Daddy.”

“Call me Leander.” His voice was a deep rasp in the morning, and my eyes fluttered open. His eyes glowed silver in the morning light with little flecks of gold. I nodded, entranced by him.

“Leander,” I breathed out, biting back the rest of what I wanted to say. Because as I gazed into the eyes of the man buried so deep inside me, staring into me with eyes that begged me to look straight into his soul, I knew that I was a goner. I loved him. I loved him, I loved him, I loved him.

I think I loved his brother too. I loved all of them, all of it. I’d loved every moment of the last two weeks.

Which was just fucking terrifying.

“Hope,” Leander said, his hand lifting to push hair back from my face. He shifted his hips back and then thrust forward, again insanely slowly so that I felt every inch of him dragging against every inch of me. “Hope, these last two weeks have been—”

“Wakey wakey time,” Milo said as he slammed open the door and stepped into the room.

I yelped and buried my face in Leander’s chest.

“Jesus, Milo, can’t you see I’ve got my dick deep in our woman here? What the fuck do you think you’re doing busting in here like that?”

Milo shut the door behind him. “Well, I figured since y’all just finished fucking her three hours ago that you’d be full up for a little while longer!”

Janus popped his head up from behind Leander and slid a hand around to reach for me. “Huh? It’s cocks up again? Alright, flip her over so I can get at her too. Lemme just— Okay, okay, yeah, I’m ready.”

“What?” Milo said. “No. It’s time to get up. We’ve got places to be, places to be!” He clapped his hands loudly as he strode into the room. Meanwhile, Janus had gotten up on his knees over his brother to reach for me and Leander’s fabulous cock kept fucking me.

I came with a high-pitched squeal. Far harder than was appropriate in the moment.

“Well, fuck,” Milo said with a mock sigh. “Now I’ll never get them moving.”



“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest and taking several steps backwards. The vista before me was stunning. And terrifying.

The blue-black English Channel lay like a glinting sapphire below the cliff Milo had just driven us to.

I backed right into Leander’s chest. His arms wound around me and he squeezed me to him. “Janus, Milo and I have done this before, Princess,” Leander said. “It’s safe or we wouldn’t have brought you here.”

“She's not jumping,” Janus stated from behind us. “She just watches.”

I felt Leander turn his head to look back at his brother. “Fuck off. She jumps if she wants to.” Then his voice was in my ear. “And it’s a high that really shouldn’t be missed, baby. I want to show you the world and wake your body up to every thrill it can know. After we jump, we’ll fuck while we ride the adrenaline high.”

Leander spun me around so I was facing him and pulling me in, dipping his lips down to mine.

“No, you fucking won’t,” Janus said, stepping up and yanking Leander backwards by his shirt, which also jerked me forwards.

Leander steadied me, then turned and exploded at his brother, “What the fuck, bro? You almost knocked her on her ass.”

“At least I’m not trying to throw her over a fucking cliff.”

Leander rolled his eyes. “Don’t be a sexist fuck off. Milo brought us to the low jump. It’s not even twenty feet. A bunch of girls were here when we jumped last summer.”

Leander held a hand out toward me, the same eyes that had looked into my soul this morning smiling out at me. Boyish and free. “Do you trust me?”

I grinned back at him, thrust my hand into his and squeezed as hard as I could. “Fuck yes, I do.”

“Wait, no. Leander, I’m fucking serious—”

“Janus, chill out,” Milo said. “They’re just doing the small jump—”

“Let go of me, you fuck,” Janus was saying, but that was the last thing I heard because Leander and I were running, straight out, right towards the edge of a cliff.

“Point your legs when you hit the water,” Leander yelled.

And then we leapt out, out, out, right off over the cliff and into nothingness.

I didn’t hesitate one bit.

With Leander by my side, I couldn’t imagine not making the leap.

First, we were jumping. And then, oh God,— We're falling, falling straight down!

I screamed at the top of my lungs, losing Leander’s hand as I waved them in frantic circles, screaming and screaming some more and kicking wildly and screami—

Tags: Stasia Black Erotic