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One second, I’d been surrounded by hard-muscled men, so hot and horny I’d barely known what to do with myself and the next, here I was—

Being shuffled back into the ROV, Leander deftly redoing the harnesses I’d fought with.

And then we were finishing the track. The three guys thanked Rock and then they were flanking around me, ushering me into the front seat of the SUV.

None of them spoke a single word to me and I felt devastated.

They’d learned I was a virgin and everything had just… stopped. Dammit. I’d been on the cusp of the most exciting sexual experience of my life and it had been ruined because of my stupid big mouth! My heart sank as Milo pulled away from Rock’s Adventure Riding. They thought I was still a little kid. They’d go out and seek someone like Geena now. Someone experienced and worldly and sexy and—

“There,” Leander said. “Pull off down that little road. It looks deserted enough.”

Pull off? I sat up straighter, looking around. But Milo’s eyes were only on the road. He pulled off the small local road onto a dirt road that likely led to someone’s property. It was deserted and trees canopied the road on both sides.

“What are we—?” I started to ask, but the SUV was pulling to a stop. We were officially in the middle of nowhere now. Milo had parked off off road, all but in the trees.

If I was with anyone except these three men, I might be scared. With the tinted windows, no one could see inside. But even though I’d only met them recently, all I felt was excitement. Because maybe…just maybe… they weren’t bothered by the fact that I was a virgin?

“Get back here. In my lap,” Leander ordered.

“Naked,” Janus followed up. “I want to see our prize.”

“Did you hear what I told you back there?” Milo growled.

“Oh, we heard,” Leander said, reaching forward to help me squirm through the narrow space between the front two seats to get to the back. “And I’m afraid it’s only made the prize more precious.”

Precious? I’d never been thought of as precious in my entire life. Useful, yes. Sturdy. Good for work or taking care of other people’s children, absolutely.

Precious, though? Never.

I started to pull my shirt off but Janus shook his head. Instead, he reached for the hem of my shirt. His fingers skimmed up my soft stomach as he pulled it off over my head.

There was a collective noise from the men as soon as it came up over my breasts. As a full-figured woman, my breasts were… well, big. They were very big. Janus tossed my shirt to the floor, and then his fingers were at my back, deftly undoing my bra.

And when I spilled out, Leander swore. He’d played with my boobs during our make-out sessions, but he’d never seen them in their full glory like this. “Get her fucking shorts off. Now.”

I blinked but reached for my shorts. Again, Janus beat me there. His arms reached around from behind, pulling me to his body as his fingers fussed with the button of my shorts. The position had me up against his hardness, and oh, was he fully hard again.

They were taking off my shorts… my heartbeat sped up. Did that mean I’d finally leave this van no longer a virgin? I only felt a little bit of anxiety at the thought. Mostly just excitement. It was time. And maybe it was completely foolhardy and only exemplified my naiveté, but I trusted these men with my body.

Janus dragged my pink cotton underwear down with my shorts. The SUV was a small space and immediately a certain smell hit the air. My cheeks flamed when I realized it was the scent of my…of my desire. Oh God, could they—?

By the way Leander’s nostrils were flaring, his eyes shooting to his brother, and then to Milo—

“Change of plans,” Leander announced. “Put her over your lap, Janus. Because I’ve got to taste her this fucking second. She’s wet for us and I’ve got to taste that fucking honey or I’m going to lose my goddamned mind.”



Janus sat down on the long bench in the back seat beside his brother and then they were both manhandling me.

I wasn’t a small girl but they hefted me around as if I were no more than a feather. I yelped a little in surprise as Leander positioned me facedown over his twin’s lap, ass up.

“Spread her,” Leander demanded, and oh God, Janus did. He dragged my legs apart, exposing me to—

I turned to look over my shoulder, not an easy feat from where I was facedown near the sliding door of the SUV. But what I saw stopped me in my tracks. Along with the feel of Leander’s hands on my back thighs, I watched his head disappear between my legs to inspect my ass.

Tags: Stasia Black Erotic