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“So what’s with you two?” I asked after Lena all but stomped off after one interview.

Janus looked surprised but then happy that I was actually talking to him. I guess it was a little odd. Most of the time we were so busy, the only one I talked to was Milo unless I was barking orders about where we all needed to hurry off to next.

Maybe it was a little bit to protect myself, too, considering what had happened when I let my guard down around his brother. Still, I was too curious to back off.

Janus grinned at me, angling his body towards mine. I’d noticed he had a habit of doing this, giving whoever he was talking to the feeling that you had his complete attention. Probably why he did so well with the ladies. Unlike Leander, Janus was a total flirt.

Trying to regain my balance, I put a hand on my hip and called him on it. “I mean, I’m just curious. Usually you flirt with anything in a five-foot radius. So what’s so different with her? Didn’t your brother date her?”

“I don’t flirt with anything in a five-foot radius.” Janus tried to sound offended but I just lifted an eyebrow. He gave in with a grin. “Please, it’s a fifty-foot radius, at least. I have range and taste. I only flirt with the most beautiful, desirable, and luscious creatures around.”

He leaned in with each of those descriptors and I swear, my lady bits contracted with the way his voice curled around the words. Because as he said them, his gaze was trained only on me.

Until he pulled back, his face contorting, “None of which describes Lena Clark.”

I laughed out loud at that. “Oh, please. She’s America’s sweetheart.”

“America has bad taste.”

I just shook my head, smirking. “Look sharp. You’ve got the roundtable in ten, and then there’s the photoshoot later this afternoon.” I smoothed down one of his lapels that had gotten flipped the wrong direction. “There. You look fabulous.”

“I look like Leander Mavros. So of course I do.” He winked.

I laughed again. It was hard not to around Janus. He was a charming bastard. Too bad he knew it. I shook my head at him. “Save all that charisma for the cameras, Casanova. It’s wasted on me.”

“Is it?”

I was a little taken aback at the serious tone behind the question. And the way his silver-gray eyes flashed at me when I looked back at him.

For a second, I was caught like that, trying to make out what I saw in his intense gaze that had my heart suddenly pounding.

“Leander Mavros?” An assistant came in through the door and I gasped as I turned away, happier for the interruption than I could say.

“Y’all got this?” I asked without looking back at Janus. “’Cause I’m gonna go grab a coffee. Want anything?”

I took out my phone and still didn’t look at Janus. I didn’t see anything on the screen. My heart was still pounding too fast.

“Hope.” Janus said, and when I didn’t answer, again his low voice called, “Hope?”

“Nothing?” I said, pretending I hadn’t heard him. “Okay, well I’ll be back by the time the round table’s over.”

And then I fled. If not for my life, then at least for my damn sanity. One brother seducing me with those bedroom eyes was bad enough. I couldn’t handle both twins being entirely too charming for their own good.

I successfully avoided being alone with either Mavros brother for another couple days. They made it to all of their rescheduled press events with a minimum of mobbing. We’d made it through the week in what anyone would call a success considering how we’d effectively stamped down all rumors of the tape and kept the focus just on Leander’s movie. And tomorrow was a light schedule before we headed off on the European leg.

I’d just pulled a succulent meatloaf out of the oven and headed downstairs to the weight room to let the twins know dinner was ready. But as soon as I opened the door, I heard a fist on a heavy bag and then one of the twin’s voices:

“Damn, brother, leave a little for the rest of us. You aren’t the only one who needs to let out their frustration.”

I hesitated without meaning to as the other one scoffed.

“What? You? You’re out there lapping up all this shit. Lena told me you can’t get enough of it.” That had to be Leander.

“Oh yeah? Please, do tell me what Lena has to say about the situation,” Janus returned, sarcasm heavy.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What the hell do you think it’s supposed to mean? Everyone’s talking about the two of you getting back together. You think that’s something you maybe wanna run by the rest of us? I thought we were a team.”

“We are a team.”

Tags: Stasia Black Erotic