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God, was that really the kind of argument that would win him over? I mean… it wasn’t the worst PR strategy in the world…

But by the way Leander pulled back, it seemed like it wouldn’t sway him. And the fact that I was rejoicing a little inside? Well, I didn’t even care if that made me a bad person.

Lena, obviously seeing that she was losing him, grabbed hold of the front of his shirt.

“I’m the only one who knows what the pressure’s like.” She looked into his eyes. “I can help you.” She lowered her voice but I, and I assumed everyone else in the room, could still hear her. “You don’t always have to have your brother around. I could be the partner you need. Just look what we did on the movie. I was there by your side. When you got stressed out, I calmed you down.”

Then Leander paused and looked down into her beautiful, model-perfect face. And I felt a pang. She was annoyingly perfect. They said beauty was about symmetry, and Lena Clark was as symmetrical as they came. Not to mention she was contoured and made-up as if she was magazine air-brushed, complete with her Cupid’s-bow lips shiny with gloss.

She was everything a man like him probably wanted.

And the way she talked about the movie shoot, reminding him of whatever intimacy they’d shared…

I glanced down at my phone and I didn’t know if it was the devil in me or what that made me speak up.

I was just doing my job, I told myself later. Giving my client options. It wasn’t jealousy. Not at all.

I spoke up from where Janus and I stood, about ten feet away. “I found a place we can get away from the paparazzi. Janus and Milo don’t think staying here would be a good idea with as crazy as it is.” My voice sounded strange in the sudden quiet. An alto to Lena’s soprano.

But Leander turned around to me, and I wasn’t sure but I thought I clocked relief on his features. “Oh yeah?” he asked, then turned back to Lena. He chucked her on the chin, like you might do to a little sister. “Thanks for the offer, but that’s my ride. I’ll see you around the tour stops.”

Lena’s eyes flashed my way and I could tell I’d just made an enemy.

But as Leander regrouped with the other guys and we prepared to head out to the place I’d found, I couldn’t say I exactly minded.



The AirBnb I found for all of us was… cozy. Certainly more intimate than the 12,000 square-foot mansion the twins had at home.

Everyone had their own bedroom. But there wasn’t exactly a maid that came in, or a cook who dropped off ready-made meals like back at home.

So I took the task of cooking for the three grown men upon myself. Which turned out to be a very different experience than cooking for myself and a calorie-conscious teenage starlet.

These men could eat.

I had found us a place with an in-house gym, even though we were barely home to use it. Well, at least Janus, Milo, and I were barely home.

We did press morning to night, having to get up at four a.m. for the Good Morning America appearance. Janus did that one too. In fact, he did all of Leander’s appearances, while Leander squirreled away back at the AirBnb. I hadn’t been alone with Leander since… that night in the kitchen, and when we were with his brother or Milo, he barely looked my way.

Maybe he’d been on Ambien that night and had been sleepwalking or something. And had accidentally sleep…finger-fucked me to the first and best orgasm of my entire life? What did I know? I just tried to put it out of my mind and do my job.

Milo hired extra security when we were out during the day, extra cars to help us throw off the paps, and so far, we’d made it back to the Airbnb each night without any hangers-on. The fact that it was in a gated community helped.

Leander only did a few of the appearances himself—ones where he was showing up with his brother, and a couple of in-depth interviews with the more serious film reviewers that were asking questions beyond the basic.

Otherwise, Janus took all the other appearances. And I had to admit, Janus was magic with interviewers, both male and female.

He just had this… charisma about him that drew everyone around him in. Except Lena. While they pretended well enough on screen, it was obvious the two couldn’t stand each other off screen. She could obviously tell the difference between twins and was in on the secret that Janus did press for his brother. It was pretty hilarious, I thought secretly, how much she seemed to hate Janus.

Tags: Stasia Black Erotic