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She doesn’t move and stares at me with those big blue eyes as if she’s never been spoken to like that.

Exhausted, I take a breath. Even though my hard cock is distracting me, it doesn’t mean I have to be an ass. She’s picking up her friend and then she’ll be gone.

“Go,” I say, taking the last step and looking down at her. Her cheeks are pink and her lips… Christ, her lips, it’s as if a bee has stung them and I want to suck the stinger out. Jesus, I really am tired. Not moving, I let my eyes caress her face. She’s beautiful, but that’s not enough to make me do something I know will only end badly.

She must see something in my eyes that makes her back away.


“I’m sorry.” She takes a breath and her breasts push forward. Inching backward, she raises her hands in front of her— as if that would stop me.

“For what?”

“For earlier.” She waves her hand in front of her face like a conductor.

“Which part?” I cock my head at her and move forward. I should go. The cat-and-mouse game is not my thing, but with her…

“What?” she croaks. Her eyes widen; her cheeks turn red.

“Which part are you sorry for? I’m actually interested.”

She tries to swallow. Her long neck flushes.

“The part where I accidentally stumbled upon you…” Her voice trails off.

“Accidentally?” I snort. “Princess, you got off on watching me finger fuck Desi.”

Her eyes grow wider, if that’s possible, and she shakes her head. “That is not… I thought you were killing her. I should have left—”

Her back hits Edge’s door and I move in.

“But you didn’t.” I’m so close I can see that her blue eyes have a sprinkling of yellow. Placing my hands on either side of the doorframe, I trap her.

“What are you doing?” she whispers, her lips almost begging me to suck on them like a lollipop.

“Please… don’t come any closer.” Her hand grazes my chest, and a small puff of delicious air escapes her lips. I want to taste her. Lick her. See if she’s as delicious as she looks and smells. I’ve caught her, and my cock wants the prize.

“I think you want me to come closer.” I smirk. “I think you want me to—” A loud thud of boots interrupts us. I turn to glare at the person who dares to fucking come near me.

Crusher stops midstep as his eyes widen. “Shit.” Looking at me, then at the girl, he clears his throat. “Uh, Prez is here, and the VP.” He nods. “They want you to bring her to them… when you’re done, of course.” He looks about as uncomfortable as my aching balls feel.

He nods again. Taking a breath, I back up. Either that or I might kill him. This has to be fucking exhaustion. What the hell am I doing?

“I’ll tell them you’re on your way.” Crusher gives me a thumbs-up, then takes off, his loud boots making my head ache.

“Gia?” the girl screams, causing what little patience I had to disintegrate.

“Shh,” I snap harshly.

She bites her bottom lip but stops screaming.

“Christ, what is wrong with you?” She looks at me like I’m the one who’s insane.

“Come on.” I take her hand to drag us back down the stairs, but of course she starts to struggle. What the hell did I do to deserve this fucking day?

When I stop abruptly, she slams into my back. I take a deep breath and turn toward her. “You need to relax. No one is going to hurt you. The Prez and Axel want to see you, so you can either walk or I can carry you, but one way or another, you’re gonna go.”

“I’m here to get Gia. My name is Julianna. I promise that’s all I’m here for. I don’t understand why I would have to meet the Prez.” Her voice is getting louder by the second. I’d start laughing, but clearly she’s scared, and for some reason that bothers me.

I’m gonna kill Axel.

“Julianna.” I frown, liking the way her name rolls off my tongue way too much. Still, I gentle my voice so as to reason with her. She’s taking small gasps again. “No one is going to hurt you. They want to make sure you’re okay since you woke the clubhouse up screaming for help.”

Her eyes shift up to mine, and for a split second I’m uncomfortable. There’s something about this girl.

“Okay?” I have to fight myself not to touch her. What the fuck?

“Okay,” she whispers, straightening her shoulders.

Great, now I’m gonna have to go in with her to make sure nothing goes wrong.

“Good girl.”

Her gaze reveals every single thing I should never see or feel.

She likes it.

We’re fucked.



Disciples’ clubhouse

Burbank, CA

“Good girl.” My stomach flips. Something is happening to me, has happened to me, and it’s all I can do to breathe. Warmth floods straight to my core. All I want is to find Gia and get out of here alive. Clearly I’m out of control. I can’t even formulate sentences, much less my thoughts.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic