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“I was hoping he wouldn’t be on. I think he’s raping her while the other guy sleeps.”

I stiffen but look out the dark window as the scenery goes by. This is not my problem. I can’t save the world—only myself and my brothers.

Edge lights up a cigarette and hands it to me. “In and out, I got all your backs.”

Ox turns off the freeway and makes a right, slowing down when he reaches a residential area. It’s all small houses and nice yards. A couple proceeds slowly down the street, walking their dog, but other than a cat scooting by, that’s it.

“Seems pretty quiet tonight.” Ox looks up ahead.

“Yeah, that’s what we need. Although, that’s the FBI up ahead.” A small white minivan the size of an Amazon truck is parked up the street.

“Anyone in it?” Blade asks as he puts in his earpiece.

Frosty types on his laptop, bringing up a screen that measures temperatures. “Yeah, one guy, I’m scrambling his system. I’ll give him a little distraction.” Frosty smiles when we pass the van, as if we belong in this neighborhood.

“Okay, that’s it, that’s the house.” Ox sounds excited as we pass the beige house. I can’t help but smirk. Fucking Ox loves this shit.

“Pull into this driveway.” Frosty points. “They’re gone for the week.”

Axel looks around. “As long as we don’t have nosy neighbors”—he puts his earpiece in—“we should be fine.”

“What’s happening in the house?” I unzip my duffel bag, handing Blade a suppressor as I screw one onto my Glock.

“Douchebag Ben’s in the rat’s room. Fuck. He’s piece of shit,” Frosty spits out.

“This ain’t our concern, Frosty. Keep it together.” Blade’s voice holds nothing but warning.

His eyes find mine. “No matter what a pig this Fed is, we don’t kill him. I don’t want to have to deal with that shit.” Blade checks his boot for his knife.

I open the side door and step out.

“Let’s do this,” Axel says, and like second nature, we all evaporate into the night.

“A, B, R?” Edge’s voice comes in clear in my ear.

“R,” I state, confirming I can hear him. Axel and Blade say their letters, and that’s it. The less we say, the better.

The lights are on in the house as all three of us go around the back.

“Shit,” Axel whispers when the neighbor’s dog starts barking at us.

“Shut up, Walter.” The door of the neighbor’s house swings open. We all stand still against the fence.

“Come on, boy, let’s go inside. I don’t want you getting sprayed by that fucking skunk again.” The guy whistles. The dog barks again but obeys.

“Talk to me, Frosty,” I order.

“I was gonna say wait, but Ben is in the rat’s room, and Vance is on the couch. Go now.”

I look at Blade and Axel who both nod. Axel motions that he’s going around front, and Blade and I inch toward the back door.

“Okay, sensors are down. All clear, go,” Frosty says.

I bend down and easily break the door handle with a screwdriver. Cheap locks. The Feds are relying on technology to keep them safe.

I hear the TV and see Axel standing with a limp Vance in his arms as he sets him on the couch as if he’s asleep rather than knocked out.

“Which room? And they got cameras, Frosty,” I say as Blade and I stay pressed up against the walls.

“I’ve got it. I’m playing the same footage over and over. You’re good,” Frosty replies. “It’s the last door to the right.”

“That’s it, bitch. Lie there like you’re dead. I like that,” the pig grunts loudly as we get closer.

I don’t wanna look at Blade, don’t wanna see his reaction, because from the loud moans and fuck yeah’s, it’s clear what’s happening. We can’t kill the Fed. We can’t!

Slowly, I open the door to see his white ass pumping up and down while he thrusts into a woman. She lies there, looking at the door, her eyes blank as he rapes her. Not blinking, just in another world. I’ve seen this many times—the mind becomes dethatched to protect itself.

Before I can stop him, Blade walks up and puts a bullet in the back of the man’s head. He slumps forward, and still the woman stays silent. A look of confusion crosses her face as she stares up at us.

“Don’t say a word,” Blade hisses at me.

“I’m just glad that was you,” I say to him and pull the rapist off her body, tossing him to the floor.

Blade tells Edge to get a body bag ready.

Axel walks in and doesn’t even look surprised. Ripping the sheet off, I wrap it around the Fed’s head so he won’t bleed all over when they get rid of him.

“Finish this and let’s get the fuck out of here. We’ll make it look like the Russians did this,” Blade orders.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic