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“Okay. Ox, you drive. Edge you’re our eyes.” Blade stands. “I’m going home to take a nap.”

“I kill the rat,” I state, my eyes locked on Blade’s as he slowly nods, then starts toward the door.

“And Julianna? She’s okay?” The room gets quiet, and my heart starts to race.

“What is it?”

“She’s with Gia,” Axel answers. “That’s where she needs to stay for the time being.” He looks at me like I’m crazy for even asking about her.

I cock my head at him and stand. “Don’t you worry your pretty head about her, Axel.” Then I walk past all of them, looking straight ahead. I need to rub one out, shower, and sleep, in that order.


I can retrieve my jewel after this is done.



Malibu, CA

“Tell me again what Axel said?” I flip to another news station, but they are doing the weather, so I go back to KTLA 5.

“Julianna.” Gia grabs the remote and says, “Turn off.” Her giant entertainment system goes black.

“What are you doing? We need to watch.” I reach for the remote that she’s hiding behind her back and say, “Turn on,” but nothing happens.

“It only responds to Rhys’s or my voice.” She bursts out laughing, I guess at my expression. “Maybe someday we will let your voice activate things.” Her eyes dance with her own humor.

“Oh, just stop it.” She rolls her eyes. “He said that they had shit to do, and for me to keep you here.” She flops down on her super comfortable couch and grabs my hand.

“It’s going to be okay. Nothing new is on the news.” She motions to the TV with her head.

“Gia.” I turn sideways to look at her. “He hasn’t called me. Do you get that?” I look at her like she’s insane, because if our roles were reversed, I’d be bailing her out of jail.

“I’m sorry. You’re right.” She takes a deep breath and tries to smile supportively. “But that’s just how it goes. Plus, those guys change phones almost daily. Maybe he doesn’t have your number.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” I jump up. “That’s supposed to make me feel better?” She goes to open her mouth, but my phone starts ringing and vibrating on the table.

“Thank God, it’s my lawyer. Finally.” I grab it as Gia leans back, as if she’s waiting for a play to start.

“Diana, I’m so, so—”

“Hold for Ms. Stein,” the receptionist interrupts my tirade. Taking a breath, I motion to Gia for a cigarette. She shakes her head, but leaves to get me one.

“Julianna.” Diana’s raspy voice comes on the line.

“Look, I’m so sorry I insisted you call me this late, but I’m in desperate need of you.”

“I’m always working late, usually later than this. It’s only 7 PM here.” She laughs. “Feel sorry for my staff.”

“Yes, right. Look, Diana, I have a… friend, and he’s in trouble. He’s been arrested unfairly for murder or murders,” I say all this so fast, I’m slightly dizzy as Gia hands me a cigarette and flicks her lighter for me. Diana stays silent.


“Okay. I’m gonna be frank because that’s who I am. I rarely agree with people, but your father has been calling me, insisting you leave, and I agree. You don’t want to be around this mess.”

“Wait. What?” I inhale. “He’s innocent, and you know about Ryder?”

“I do. And as for being innocent, that’s not for me to determine. That’s up to the jury, but as your attorney I advise you to stay away from that man and that club. Quite frankly, I think you should go somewhere like Hawaii. It’ll look like you’re on vacation.”

“Diana.” I sit again and rub my forehead. “He’s innocent. I was hoping you’d defend him. I’ll pay for it.” I almost scream at her, but that’s not going to help. And did she just tell me to go to Hawaii? Jesus.

“Julianna, the FBI is running this investigation. We don’t fuck with the big boys, my darling. Do you even understand how hard they can make things for you?” I hear her inhale on her own cigarette.

“And as for me defending him… He has Jett Powers as his defense attorney, and as much as it pains me to say this”—she inhales deeply and exhales—“he’s the best. Gorgeous, arrogant, and a prick, but he’s a genius. If your friend has a chance in hell, it’s because of him.” I lean back into the couch and gaze out Gia’s giant windows overlooking the ocean.

“Did Matthew sign yet?” My bitch voice comes out.

“Of course not, and another thing. They’re upset that you’re in the limelight, and threatened to freeze all your money.”

I sigh, wondering how everything got messed up so fast. “Can they do that?”

“Yes, but I convinced them to allow you to keep your American Express Black Card, explaining that if you have no money, you can’t leave.”

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic